I haven't been to check on my garden plot in several days. When I was there last, I put up a quick support for my biggest Jarrahdale pumpkin that was hanging from the vine up on the fence. The fence is plenty strong to support the 12 lb expected weight, by the vine was starting to tear.
The support is a tomato cage and a large pot saucer. I should turn the saucer over so it won't fill up with rain water. Tomorrow. I'm looking forward to some garden time.
Kathy, thank you for your great comment. And yes, you should DEFINITELY dig out a picture of your proud catch and pay proper tribute our "green" friend the striped bass.
I'm supposed to do a 7 things Meme (...post 7 things no one knew about you). That will fit well. Maybe I can round 7 down to 1.
That's a great idea! I lost maybe 10-15% of my tomatoes to slugs, because my supports all fell.
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