Its been a great weekend for garden work.
I planted a new cutting garden to the right of my cold frame. One of my favorite roses is in the center, Mr Lincoln, a deep red hybrid tea. Also in this plot are, blue summer asters, yellow calendulas, mixed giant zinnias, pink sensation cosmos, Canterbury bells, feverfew, pink echinacea, and a couple types of lavender. I also found my giant orange dahlia tubers that I saved in the back of the basement and planted them in the flower plot them today.
I also filled up my vegetable garden. I planted 17 tomato plants and my husband put up the support poles. The tomato varieties I have are: New Girl, Big Beef, Orange Blossom, Pink Beauty, Cherokee Purple, Oxheart Red, Box Car Willie, Mortgage Lifter, Brandywine, Giant Belgium, Opalka, San Marzano, and Purple Calabash.
And I planted eggplants (only Black Beauty), and peppers: Numex Joe Parker, Poblano, Sweet Red, Sweet Yellow, Sweet Chocolate, Nardello, Costa Rican Red, Thai Hot and Amelia's Cayenne.
I will squeeze in rows of greens under next to the tomatoes. I want to remember to plant dill, arugula and borage soon. Also more lettuce.