Its been a great weekend for garden work.
I planted a new cutting garden to the right of my cold frame. One of my favorite roses is in the center, Mr Lincoln, a deep red hybrid tea. Also in this plot are, blue summer asters, yellow calendulas, mixed giant zinnias, pink sensation cosmos, Canterbury bells, feverfew, pink echinacea, and a couple types of lavender. I also found my giant orange dahlia tubers that I saved in the back of the basement and planted them in the flower plot them today.
I also filled up my vegetable garden. I planted 17 tomato plants and my husband put up the support poles. The tomato varieties I have are: New Girl, Big Beef, Orange Blossom, Pink Beauty, Cherokee Purple, Oxheart Red, Box Car Willie, Mortgage Lifter, Brandywine, Giant Belgium, Opalka, San Marzano, and Purple Calabash.
And I planted eggplants (only Black Beauty), and peppers: Numex Joe Parker, Poblano, Sweet Red, Sweet Yellow, Sweet Chocolate, Nardello, Costa Rican Red, Thai Hot and Amelia's Cayenne.
I will squeeze in rows of greens under next to the tomatoes. I want to remember to plant dill, arugula and borage soon. Also more lettuce.
I know this is kinda random, but do you have any recommendations for keeping groundhogs away? They have been sneaking into our community garden in Princeton...
Love the aerial view! Looks so pretty and tidy! What a great cold frame... and your rhododendron is beautiful!
Looking good! Busy time of year for sure yet I have not planted anything lately. Need to get moving :-)
The cold frame looks great, so full of life. I need to find time to build one for myself.
You are so organised! I sowed some stuff before my holiday and now have to get moving or my Lottie will be veg-less. Your coldframe has been a great bonus, lovely crops to eat already.
Kathy, how big is your cold frame? It looks like you have a LOT of plants in there!
kathy - love your blog and read every update! are your home garden tomato supports conduit with twine for the plants to climb?
Yes, I will use twine soon to support the tomato plants. Any day now I will get the twine up.
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