My pea plants got nipped a bit by the frost last night. The edge leaves on the most exposed area look singed. The frost also got my little marigold seedlings that I had planted out. I don't think they will survive. I have more at home and will have to replace them. Everything else was fine: broccoli, onions, cabbage, radish, fava beans and carrots.
I think this will be our last frost. Its a late one this year.
I felt it way down here on the seacoast! I had to melt that pesky frost off my windshield before I could go to work.
We had two nights of freeze warnings....I guess it made it's way up the coast to you. Hopefully this crazy weather is over!
We had frost Monday morning but nothing since. Its been cloudy so it tends to hold more heat.
I was thinking my peas got hit by frost as well...up here in NH they didn't issue warnings bc it is not our growing season yet. My broccoli, lettuces,potatoes and spinach all survived though!
I was surprised about my peas. And the marigolds. I thought these were plenty hardy. I feel bad about loosing the marigolds. they were very pretty.
your peas are huge... so much better than mine. What type are they?
The peas are Cascade and Sugar Sprint. I planted then on March 17 very thick and used inoculant. I think the inoculant makes them grow much better, especially if you're growing them in soil where you don't often grow peas.
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