I haven't bought lettuce for a month! (since June 2nd) I am regularly harvesting black-seeded simpson (my favorite), escarole, endive, oak-leaf, and baby romaine. Also, I've started pulling baby beet greens this past weekend. I add garden herbs to our salad: usually dill, cilantro or parsley. I will try some borage soon. (I ran out of arugula and am waiting for a recently seeded crop to grow). We are big salad eaters and its great to have fresh tender greens available daily.
Lactuca sativa
what a great lettuce garden! Just looking at this photo makes me hungry! A little bit of olive oil, salt, some lemon juice, herbs of course and you got yourself a nice vitamin bomb!
I know some dogs like fruit and veggies, is Skippy one of them? If he is, he's one lucky dog!
My regards to Skippy!
How do you keep the lettuce going in summer heat and humidity?
Your lettuce looks pretty, as well as delicious! I had a good lettuce year as well, but now temps are soaring into the 90's, so will have to switch to coleslaw! I did recently plant some small lettuce transplants with a shade cloth over them, so will see how it does.
Thanks for the comments!
Hi Italman: Skippy doesn't like lettuce. He is unusually particular for a dog and likes only nori and grass for veggies (both of which he LOVES). That's OK. We eats tons of salad greens. Someday I'll post a photo of our standard evening dinner, which is pretty much as you describe. A big pile of salad. Yum.
Julia: I plant lettuce all summer, every 3 or 4 weeks. Last year a couple of seedings did not sprout in the heat of July and August. But for me if it sprouts it'll grow. I plant loose headed varieties, like black seeded simpson, oak leaf and bibb. Last year I had lettuce growing until January! I like to plant it in the shadier areas of my garden (so I can use the limited sunny space for fruiting plants), so maybe it stays cooler there.
Connie: Good luck with the shade cloth. That sounds like a good idea. Maybe lettuce would grow well under a row of sunflowers or around the tomatoes?
Thanks. Maybe I'll try sowing some more of the loose leaf types. The bibb-type I planted in spring has bolted now. The bed was in part shade.
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