Today's harvest included several firsts: my first tomato, summer squash, chili pepper, and cucumber! Probably also two lasts: the broccoli and snap peas.
The harvest list: broccoli, chili pepper, cucumber, zucchini squash, 1 cherry tomato, baby carrots, purple and green beans, Capucijner and sugar snap peas.
harvests from my vegetable gardens
You pull more veggies out of your small garden than many farmers around here do with an acre of garden. When it comes to vegetable gardening, you are truly a master!
Great job!
I have to get out there and remeasure my space, now that I had the big bush removed and added some very sunny space. Maybe I'm up to 250 or even 300 sq feet now!
That really is a lot for such a small space! What do you think of the capucijners, have you had any yet? Did you end up with enough to both save some seeds and eat some?
I'm not sure what to do with the capucijners. I'll post some photos later today showing my bowl of peas. I'm wondering if I dried them right and how long I can save them before cooking them for best flavor. Also I need to look into recipes. My dad sent me a recipe he found on-line that I can pull out. He's been asking for a bowl of soup.
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