I'm getting afraid these seedlings are too late. I went by and looked at Gretta's (Belmont CSA farm) fall crops and they are so big! My count down meter on my side bar says only 39 days left until frost! Oh my goodness. Grow plants, GROW!
These are lettuce, mixed fall greens, string beans and dill seedlings planted outside at my community plot on August 21. Maybe a mistake to sow so late. We'll see.
I just planted some lettuce varieties & radishes yesterday and just thinned my beets & carrots. I am thinking I am going to have to resort to putting row cover on everything on the coldest nights to keep them alive. That is if we actually have a cold fall, they have been pretty warm lately.
Yes, I'll get some row cover ready, too.
Don't worry...lettuce usually grows pretty fast. I'm sure everything will be fine.
My lettuce is about the same size... I am thinking I am probably going to have to harvest it young and/or get a row cover.
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