I've been meaning to post photographs of my FIVE(!) Fugi apples, which are ripening nicely on the little tree in my backyard. This is the first year I have had fruit on my tree that I planted about three years ago.
The top photos show an apple with and without its stocking. I'm using knee-hi's to protect my apples from bugs and squirrels. So far, so good! No spray on these apples. I took the stocking off just to check (and photograph), and then put it back on again.
Its funny how you can see the tiny ribbed pattern of the stocking on the apple if you look close. (To look close, click on the photo and then click on "all sizes".)
I'm not really sure how to tell when apples are ripe, but I suppose they need another week or two on the tree. I hope the tree can hold onto them that long. The branches of my tiny little tree are bending almost double under the weight if these apples. The tree is not in the best location. Too shady. I was thinking of moving it this year. The only problem is there is really no sun in my yard to move it to.
Apples (Malus domestica)
Congratulations on your fruit tree! We're really looking forward to something from our pear tree next year.
Are they planted or containered?
At what point do you cover them with the stocking. Some time after flowering, obviously, but when?
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