Wednesday, June 24, 2009

prime lettuce season

Boston lettuce heads
boston lettuce head prizehead lettuce

I am SO excited to have big heads of Boston lettuce forming. I haven't grown this variety before and it is just beautiful! I may have a new favorite lettuce variety. My old favorite, Prizehead, is doing good too.

It seems that the slugs prefer Prizehead to Boston.

WARNING: The photo below may be offensive to some gardeners. Don't scroll down if you are bothered by the sight of slugs.


abb said...

Boston is my very favorite lettuce - and I do not like sharing it with slugs.
Looks just beautiful (the lettuce, not the slug).

BW said...

I ma so jealous of your Boston lettuce!! I planted some but it never formed heads, it just started to grow up and act like a leaf lettuce. Do you have any tips? For now my solution s to hit up the Copley farmer's market tomorrow.

Nate Finch said...

Boston's my favorite lettuce too. We aren't growing any this year, but maybe next year.

Cynthia Sanders said...

Your lettuce looks so gorgeous!!! How long did it take for it to grow this big? My lettuce are growing so slow :(

Siren said...

that was what i wanted - Boston lettuce - and what I thought i was getting when I planted green leaf lettuce. :( :( oh well, next year.

Sue said...

That looks so good. It's so hot here that everything is burning up and withering. Even watering doesn't help.