I bought four new rosemary plants this spring and planted them together in a big pot (at right). Four different varieties. I didn't realize rosemary came in different varieties. I have "BBQ", "Salem, "Prostrate" and an unnamed plant grown by Chef Jeff. I wonder if we'll detect any taste differences?
My three year old rosemary plant is getting woody (at left). I think this is just something that happens to older plants. Especially after spending a couple nasty New England winters indoors. Dry air, dark and gloomy - not really very pleasant.
Anyway, rosemary is definitely a spice to enjoy. We put it on grilled pizza, roast chicken, roast vegetables, scrambled eggs, etc. And potatoes - ah yes, fresh little red spring potatoes grilled with rosemary..... yum!
culinary herbs
Rosemary and potatoes are my favorite. I like to par boil whole peeled potatoes, drain and toss with rosemary & olive oil. Then roast in the oven until the potatoes goes crispy brown well being soft inside. Yum
It's impressive that your potted rosemary survived the Boston winter at all. Mine always died when I was up there, although they were in smaller pots and so probably got a harder freeze. I think I'll have more luck getting a real perennial shrub going down here in DC. :)
Oh you have reminded me that I need to pick up some potted Rosemary. I had a huge bush last year...I tried to overwinter it indoors but...no go. Perhaps us New Englanders love it so much because we know it's so short lived.
Try using the woody stems of rosemary as skewers for grilling --YUM! I will be curious about the flavor differences among the varieties.
I have seen the BBQ variety marketed as 'skewer rosemary'. I figured I wouldn't be able to get it to that stage before winter so have never purchased seeds. You will have to keep us posted, interesting there are so many varieties.
I started some Rosemary from seed this year; it's going to be a while until they get that size!
I got a hanging variety this spring which will go in my yet to build herb-spiral. It looks nice, still tiny but even had a few blossoms. All the rosemaries I had so far got woody – and died in winters. I had left them on the balcony and I don’t even think it was too cold – it might have been too dry. My fault. But isn’t it the nature of the rosemary plant to get woody in the base? Cut it back, so it will grow young green branches again. You could use the woody parts for smoking in the grill? Though I like the skewer-idea mentiond above!
I LOVE rosemary! Especially since it's so low maintenance! They're the perfect herb here in the Pacific northwest since we get mild summer/winters and lots of rain :D I never do anything to it and it just grows and grows and grows!
I was SO jealous when I used to visit my son in Seattle. Rosemary was growing as weeds from every crack in the pavement. I have always had to vainly search out a place in my house in the winter that was relatively warm just so I could generate the humidity to keep the Rosemary from drying out. My wife and I have actually been trying to keep it alive outside here in NE Ohio by mulching it with pine needles, covering it with layers of row cover and piling any available snow up around it. Marginally successful but if it is successful the next year is grand.
Completely agree with the BBQ/skewer idea. I am a vegetarian so I use the rosemary for my veggies skewers. Bell peppers, onions, squash, cherry tomatoes, ect. Just be sure to soak them like you would a bamboo skewer, also if you choose to leave leaves at the end of the sprig then hang that part off the edge of your grill.
LAMB! Rosemary just screams lamb to me. I have killed too many plants indoors though, I am resigned to buying a new seedling each spring.
We ground up some rosemary last night with a mortar and pestle then mixed it in with some dill in turkey burgers. It was delicious! Throw some provolone cheese on top and maybe some thinly sliced tomato. I love your site, I read it every day.
GraduallyGreener; The rosemary needs to be brought indoors in the winter in the North. Still very hard on the plants to survive the dryness and darkness.
And - I LOVE the skewer idea - especially with a few leave on the end! I wonder if it will grow back better if I cut it way back? I'll try!
I am not having much luck with my rosemary:-(
I grow many herbs and speak to many local groups about them. Growing them in containers is a great idea as they thrive best with maximum drainage and less water. I have one that I planted in an old concrete column that is about 8 feet in diameter and about 4 feet tall! There a thousands of types of rosemary...Emilie Tolley(spelling?)is a great author and expert on herbs and recipes that you would probably enjoy!
Love your blog!
One of my favorite herbs. I'm in Chicago and I have to bring my rosemary inside in the winter. I dig it up and put it in a large pot. I have a huge sliding glass door in a walkout family room that faces south. It stays happy there until I can get it outside again. I've had one live as long as five years.
Five years for a rosemary in a Northern clime is impressive. I think maybe I have done 3 or 4 years occasionally.
The three year old one I have now won't make it to four, because I'm eying the woody stems for use as skewers - as was suggested above. Sounds yummy!
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