Thursday, March 26, 2009

happy birthday Skippy

Several people reminded me this morning that today is Skippy's birthday. He's 4! I had forgotten its his day.


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Skippy! You are such a good dog!
- Daisy and Pixie

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Skippy !!!!! It's your special day and no one else's
Ericka and Kino

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Skippy!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy, happy birthday Skippy! We hope you get a special birthday treat or two.
Deborah and John the Dog

Renee said...

Happy Birthday Skippy! Enjoy your day!

Kristy said...

Happy Birthday Skippy!!!!!

Laura said...

Have a great day, Skippy!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Skippy - don't burn your nose on the candles you lovely boy.
Marian x

Annie*s Granny said...

Happy birthday to my favorite blogdog!

Jain said...

Happy birthday, Skippy, and many happy returns! (Psst! Do tell Mama to give you an extra treat today!)

Just Jenn said...

Happy BD Skippy!

Dan said...

Happy Birthday Skippy. Give him an extra pet from me!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Skippy ! This sounds very trivial, but the seeds I started about a week ago look like they will sprout sometime next week. Is that optimistic or what. Thank you for the indirect encouragement your site gives. I am travelling to the hardware store to see if they have some pepper and tomato variety. W-mart only had two different kinds. Wish me luck.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Skippy! 4 years old?.....he's still a baby! lol

Daniela Caride said...

Skippy, happy birthday!!!!


Kisses from Frieda, Geppetto and Lola