This weekend my sister helped me transplant some fava bean sprouts to my community garden plot. At last there are green plants in my plot! I also have a nice rhubarb plant starting to sprout in the corner.
I sowed the fava beans in my home garden - half on March 18 and half on April 11, using a fava bean inoculant.
I hope they will do better for me this year than last year. Last spring, I planted them in my home garden without inoculant and they were completely overcome by aphids. Then I planted them again in the fall and they were killed by the frost before producing any beans. So far, these look good. I've saw some very nice fava bean crops in other plots at Rock Meadow last year, so I know it can be done.
Vicia faba
Hi, Kathy.
I'm a long-time lurker, but had to break my silence and tell you how much I love your blog! I get almost as excited about your transplanted seedlings as I do about my little green bean sprouts. :) Thanks for sharing with all of us!
I have a little smile when I hear an American refer to those as 'Fava' beans.. it makes me think of Hannibal Lechter and a nice Chianti. In the UK that is a name you will never hear, we call them 'broad beans'. I guess we are "two nations divided by a common language" eh?
Thanks for stopping by Caroline. Its nice to see all the happy little sprouts growing so fast now. Good luck with your beans.
Matron, I never hear them called broad beans here. always fava bean. Like you said, same language, but different.....
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