When I turned over soil of my new community garden plot this spring, I found a few plants that looked interesting. I put these in a bed at the side of the plot. A found what looked like oregano, tarragon, rhubarb, sweet potatoes, lots of onions and a pretty little rose. The rose leaves are lovely. I have no idea what sort of flower it will have, if any. But I am curious to see. As for the other plants, I've found out that the "sweet potatoes" are actually Jerusalem artichokes, an aggressive weed in the gardens. The onions too are weeds that come up all over and I throw them on my compost pile now. But the herbs, rhubarb, and the little rose seem like good tenants.
mystery garden rose: Falstaff maybe?
So pretty!
How fun to have gotten some free plants along with your plot! Bonus!
Eat the jerusalem artichokes. They are v. good.
I agree, they are delicious. You can cook them like carrots once you have peeled off the nobbly bits and carrot and artichoke soup is our favourite.
Your blog is very interesting as we have recently taken over an allotment (like your community garden) and we are growing lots of the same things at the same time. Our climate in the UK (near Bristol) is very similar to yours but with milder winters and little snow.
I planted out sweetcorn and peppers today (bell peppers and chili) and replaced some climbing beans which had died off. I've also planted melons and peppers in grow bags in our home made cold frame.
You seem to start off a lot of stuff indoors in seed trays which I prefer doing too but I'm not sure if this works for all seeds as some may not like being disturbed, though most veg are available as seedlings at garden centres. Do you know of any where this would be a problem?
The seeds I start directly in the garden are carrots, parsnips, sunflowers, nasturtiums, radish, beans, peas and corn.
The last three can be transplanted, but I grow too many to be transplanting them. The first four don't like to be moved.
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