After three weeks, I have carrot sprouts! All three of my varieties. Lots of very tiny seedlings. I put my macro lens on my camera to get a photo. We got nearly an inch of rain last night and they have a bit of mud on them today. But they are looking good.
No sign of parsnip seedlings yet. Since I've never grown them before, I'm not sure what to look for. I'll keep watching....
Daucus carota
I just planted some little finger carrots in my garden the other day. I hope they do well. I'll come back to see how your carrots are doing. :)
I've never grown parsnips either, but I suspect they will be much like your carrots since they are in the same family. I've had the same issue with planting chamomile. I've never grown it before, so didn't know what the plants would look like. The seeds were like dust - very tiny. But they finally came up. I just didn't weed that area at all until I could tell what the true leaves looked like.
Thanks for the photo of carrot sprouts. Wasn't sure if I was growing weeds or carrots.
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