This year I have planted several types of summer squash. In early May, I planted seeds for Casserta, Sunburst and zucchini. The Casserta never sprouted and neither did a second seeding in potting soil several weeks later. The zucchini (Cashflow) came up fast and the Sunburst (a green and yellow colored patty-pan shaped squash) was slow but eventually sprouted. I purchased some plants of Gold Bar, a cylindrical yellow squash, to fill in for the absent Casserta.
In all, I have three hills with about five plants each. I planted some pumpkins nearby and a mystery volunteer has sprouted (probably from my compost) in the middle of the summer squashes (probably a Halloween pumpkin). All of these squashes are just now starting to spread out and bud up. Soon the summer vegetables will be roasting on the grill.
Cucurbita pepo (summer squash)
I love your blog, I check it every now and then. Especially this year since ive been spending less time in mine due to my painting....awesome photos. love the rose
Just found your blog. Love it. Organic gardener myself. Have been drying my plum tomatoes about a week know. My romas have just started to ripen, a few big boys already too. My yellow pears and grape tomatoes not far behind. Have been enjoying my ichibans and walla walla onions for about a month know along with italian snaps and the 9" snaps. My first Magda squash was 3 1/2 lbs! Plenty of green bells and my first full term mariachi pepper was over 6" long. Have already enjoyed our first meal of stuffed sweet hungarians! Gone through three pots of spinach, romaine and assorted lettuces. I ripped out the italian snaps and planted edameme and within a week they've sprouted. Plenty of one ball spaghetti squash, yellow squash, volunteer pumpkin, sunburst sqush, sweet lightning and my fairytale eggplant in the container has finally taken off! Have some mystery squash that I have no idea what they are - maybe you would. Then of course, my simple favorite. The butternut. My purple asparagus has ferned over nicely for next spring and the fall brussel crop should be lovely. I am never fond of the summer heads even though I have plenty of those. Isn't gardening a blast? My five year old loves it too!
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