Lettuce is probably my favorite garden crop. Today I harvested a BIG bowlful. It should be enough for salads for us for 2 days. Hopefully I can stop buying lettuce for the rest of the season now. I have some hot weather lettuce as well as escarole, endive and arugula. Today I harvested black seeded simpson, arugula and some mixed oak leaf and red lettuces. The black seeded simpson is a great variety. It grows very fast, is a nice light green color and tastes tender and delicious. Yum! It was sooo good (with our garden pesto from last year and grilled salmon) that I skipped the salad dressing.
Lactuca sativa
I agree that the Black Seeded Simpson is great! I always have a couple (or more) of this one going. Great flavor and it does grow really fast.
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