We've had 2.7 inches of rain in the past week. Pretty wet. The gardens are soggy and muddy. But I think most of the vegetables have been enjoying it (with the exception of the basil). This photo is some dill, which looks really happy to me.
culinary herbs
This is a really stunning photo -- saw it on Garden Voices and had to stop by to say hello. I love raindrop-on-plant photos, and this one is gorgeous.
Thanks. I think a rainy day is really nice for pictures.
Very very pretty photo! I agree, a rainy day is wonderful for snapping photos in the garden.
Could you please send some of the rain our way? It's so dry here!
Wow beautiful photo. I can almost smell the dill... wonderful.
Dill is one of my favorite plants this year. It is sooo nice in a salad! I just love the flavor and scent. Also nice that it comes up year after year as a volunteer all over the garden.
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