Monday, May 12, 2008

"aerial" view of my plot

my plot
Again I survived perching on the tall thin tree stump for an aerial view of my new community garden plot. A few plants are now starting to grow. I have planted seeds for fava beans, carrots and parsnips. Also onion sets and potatoes. Today I transplanted some small beets, lettuce and onions that I raised from seed in pots under lights at home. I think everything in my plot will be from seed this year.

potato sprout onions
lettuce plot


Anonymous said...

I'm glad to see some life in your plot! I love how Skippy sits and watches over the plants for you.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on having everything from seed! I dream of the day when I'm organized enough, and have a large enough growing space, to do that!

kathy said...

I was going to just plant tomatoes from seed this year, but ended up going all out. It has been fun. I raised about 15 trays of seedlings.