I forgot to post this photo last weekend after my husband made this new arbor for my grapes. The vines were all over the place. I pulled them together and put them on their new arbor. Much more orderly looking.
Add my little Meyer's lemon tree is also in this photo. I will have to get a close up picture of the lemons growing on it. Earlier this year, someone told me that lemons need a lot of nitrogen. So I fertilized it well and added fresh soil. I've never had so many fruits before. I counted 33 last week. And it is still blooming its wonderful smelling blossoms and setting more fruit.
This is lovely. Maybe your parents can come and sit there when your mom is feeling better. AVB told me she was out of hospital. I am thinking of you all.
Wow! Bumped into your blog from earlysnowdrop, what a beautiful place to relax!
I got a Calamata Orange Tree. Minature fruit tree`s are fun. Got to buy a fan when i bring it in for the winter last year i did not give it enuff air circulation and the fruit dropped off.
I look forward to seeing your lemons. i've never been able to grow them well, the leaves turn yellow and the plant dies after a couple of years. Maybe I need to feed it more!
I want an arbor so bad. Its on the list. sigh.
I have a question for you....
What is the best way to browse your blog? Without a "next page" button, archive file or even a "list of current posts" I find it kind of difficult.
I love your 12 months of aerial photographs. I don't have a second story that looks out on my garden, but you've given me the challenge of taking a years worth of monthly photos from one static viewpoint. Can't wait to try it.
Im growing grape vines n lemon tree in my small garden too, so far I only had 2 tiny grapes n no luck yet in lemons!Yours look so healthy n lush, must be your weather!
Oooh, I love your arbor! I've been bugging my husband to build me one also. Did yours build this from a kit, or did he build it from scratch?
What do you do with the lemon trees during the winter? Do you bring them inside or leave them out?
that is an amazing amount of fruit to have come from a tiny little tree. Does it get sunlight all day where it is situated in the garden?
The grapes look good! As does the lemon. I think I need to get a Myer. I have a pink variegated lemon and it barely produces anything.
Nitrogen, thanks for the tip. I am motivated to build an arbor...my grapevines are headed towards the chicken coop..ha! ha!
Beautiful arbour. I made a mistake and showed it to my wife.
Now, she wants one exactly like yours!
HI Jen, My Mom is doing good. :) I look forward to her visiting here someday. I have lots to show her!
I am glad to hear from Donald about air circulation. I think my tree would benefit from more in the winter. But also, from more humidity. Our dry, cold indoor winters here are hard on my indoor plants. They just barely make it through til spring. (Me too!)
I was visiting the garden of an older Italian gardener recently who has several non hardy fruit trees (figs) and he wraps them and stores them in an outdoor protected (BIG) shelter box. I bring my lemon tree inside. It takes up most of our small office room on the south side of the house. Its really quite a big plant for indoors.
Where the tree is located in the summer, it gets full sun from about 1 pm on.
I was going to photograph it today, but it doesn't look good. It keeps blowing over and then doesn't get watered from rain or sprinklers. Being a big tree in a relatively small pot, it dries out fast. Tomorrow it should be hydrated enough too look good and I'll try again for photos of the abundant baby lemons.
The arbor construction is pretty simple. We bought two 6 ft lattice-like pieces for the sides, plus three 8 ft poles. Then we just tied the poles lengthwise to the lattice to make the top. Of course you can buy (or make) nice fancy arbors, and you can also make great structures just from items you have around the yard. This is a very quick solution.
Thanks for the question about browsing my blog, Serendipity. I will try to figure something out. I use an old Blogger format and add my own code, which I'm not very good at writing. I'm just lazy about updating to "new" (not really new any more) Blogger.
For now, I think its best to use the labels tags below each post and read older posts on the same topic. Also go through the links under "Skippy's garden topics" on the side bar. And, watch for new comments on the side bar widget. The comments are usually the best part of my blog anyway.
Got a small spray water bottle for my Calamonda plant at the dollar shop and a light spray of water each day. Maybe minature oranges by christmas. The girl i bought it off in china town says that works to give it humidity.
If you decide to grow your own grape vines, you will have to learn how to prune them. If you neglect to do this, the vines will start growing out of control. This will not only hurt the look of the plant, but will also reduce the amount and quality of the grapes that you'll eventually grow.
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