I found some pieces of string and started a ristra. I love that it is something that grows. I can add to it as more chiles ripen. I tied three cayenne or two Thai together at the stem with string then made a loop with the end of the string. The loop gets added to the other chile bunches on the growing ristra.
I hung it on my kitchen door - so evil is now warded off!
You are so creative! Do you have a photo?
Yup! I just posted it. you can also click on it and go to my Flickr site to see the straight and close up views.
It looks beautiful Kathy.
South Indians mix it with lime and hang it on their doors.
Chillies and Lime also have anti bacterial substances in them.
Here is a sample shot:)
Great Vic! I will try this. I will be so evil-free!
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