Freshly dug potatoes! I grew 4 varieties this year: Cobbler, All Blue, Green Mountain, and Rio Grande Russet. The Blue potatoes produced very well and are a nice purple color. My favorite is probably the Russets, which grill very nicely.
I only harvested about 1/10th the amount of potatoes of last year's harvest. This year, I planted in a very shady bed in my home garden. Mostly because of last year's late blight problems, I decided to remove all late blight susceptible plants from my community garden. Next year I am looking forward to growing potatoes in full sun again.
These look great! I hope to grow potatoes this next spring.
Grew Green Mountain Potato this year very yummy.
i braved the blight in my community garden, but instead had (waaaayyyyy) reduced yield due to drought and critters (darned voles ate nearly all my potatoes).
seems the sweet potatoes loved the weather, though.
Hi Kathy, I am glad your blue potatoes did something, I won't mention ours! We have put off digging out any of our Cara or Desiree until mid October to see if the rain over the past few weeks will help them to rally around to resemble a half decent potato. So much want a home grown spud!
Marian (London UK)
I tried growing potatoes unsuccessfully. Blight has made be shy of trying again. Your post is inspiring me to consider potatoes next fall.
Kathy, will you share how you grill a potato? In a grill basket with other veggies, or 'roasted' in foil or skin? Interested in trying that. Thanks!
Jen - I would LOVE to share how to grill a potato! I will post this as soon as I can. It should have a whole post with photos. It is one of our favorites - and I have a larder full potatoes, even if it is a small larder this year.
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