I came across the beautiful beans last week in a plot at the Belmont Victory Gardens. Why are they covered with mesh? Does this keep the bean beetles off? They sure look great with no signs of beetle damage, unlike most plots around here. But then the adjacent and uncovered pole beans look good too.
Very nicely mulched with salt hay, too. I bought some stray/hay mulch that I will be spreading today in my gardens. I hope it looks as nice as this.
Mysterious - Could the net be to support the plant??? I can't think of any other purpose (But when you took the net off to pick they might flop.)
Could be to keep the rabbits away. I found many of my bush beans nibbled from the bottom with only a nub left hanging from the stem.
I might try netting my beans next year because Buddy keeps eating the leaves!! PS, would you like to send in a picture of Skippy for my forthcoming 'dogblog' ? hope so!
I bet its for rabbit protection. That makes sense. They must have some holes in their garden fence.
I will definitely add to your dogblog, Matron., Thanks for letting me know!
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