It seems that ]my Chiogga beets are different every year.
Three years ago (first year I grew them) they were very red and I could just barely see the striping and they tasted fantastic. Then the next year, they were tough and woody and pale. Now this year, they are striped like candy canes! And they taste great. They must be sensitive to the weather and/or my soil.
They look good, I got some Burpees Golden and Chiogga this year after you tried them. Two weeks ago we seeded our Beets and Carrots for the third time, they are not germinating well because of the lack of rain. The soil at the Lottie is like dust, our water butts are empty and some people are getting there at 6a.m. and draining the tanks, thanks fellow gardeners. We had a sharp thunder shower yesterday, but need more.
Marian (London UK)
Irrigation... We are installing extra watering lines next week at our gardens. These will run to the new plots we just added. We are lucky to have town water available. It does tend to run low if three or more gardeners irrigate at once. But when I tend to water, it seems fine still. Even with nearly 150 plots.
I planted another bed of carrots, beets and lettuce at my plot two weeks ago. I hope the sprouts are OK. Looking forward to checking on them tomorrow.
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