This is my planting record for the year 2008. I started seeds indoors in trays inside in front of a big south facing window. Midway through growing I added some indoor plant lights. I did my first outdoor sowing on March 18! Peas and fava beans.
I have added information on sowing and transplanting dates, planting location (home garden or community plot) and comments on crop quality (poor, OK, GREAT etc)
Indoor SeedingMarch 7:
Onions, Yellow Sweet Spanish (4 small trays), sprouted March 17 (10 days), POOR
Kale, Red Russian (1 small tray), sprout March 14, transplant April 11 home garden, GREAT
Kale, Winterbor (1 small tray), sprouted March 11, transplant April 11 home garden, GREAT
Kale, Tuscan (1 small tray), sprouted March 11, transplant April 11 home garden, GREAT
Escarole, Bionda A Cuore Pieno (1 small tray), sprout March 11, transplant April 11 home garden, GREAT (but bolted before we ate it all)
March 15:
Peppers, Sweet Canary Bell (2 6-packs), sprouted March 23, transplant to bigger pots April 23, home garden, POOR needed more sun
Peppers, Sweet Chocolate (2 6-packs), sprouted March 23, transplant to bigger pots April 23, home garden, POOR needed more sun
Peppers, Anaheim Chile (1 6-pack), sprouted March 29, home garden, OK but could use more sun
Peppers, Poblano Chile (1 6-pack), sprouted March 27, home garden, POOR needed more sun
Peppers, Habenero Chile (1 6-pack), sprouted March 29, home garden, GREAT
March 17:
Broccoli, Green Goliath (1 9-pack), sprouted March 22, transplant home garden April 11, GREAT
Broccoli, Green Sprouting Calabrese (2 9-packs), sprouted March 22, transplant home garden April 11 OK, not my favorite variety
Lettuce, Merville de Four Seasons (1 9-pack), sprouted March 21, transplant to home garden April 11 OK, needed more sun, poor heading and bolted before we ate it all
March 20:
Lettuce, Prizehead (1 9-pack), sprouted March 29, transplant to bigger pots May 3, plot, GREAT
Lettuce, Black-Seeded Simpson (1 9-pack), sprouted March 25, transplant to bigger pots May 3, ??
Lettuce, Green Oakleaf Royal Oak (1 9-pack), sprouted March 30, transplant to bigger pots May 3, ??
Lettuce, Burpee Bibb (1 9-pack), sprouted March 25, transplant to bigger pots May 3, ??
March 24:
Peppers, Anaheim Chile (1 6-pack), sprouted April 3 (11 days), OK
Peppers, Habenero Chile (1 6-pack), sprouted April 6 (14 days), OK
(My Mom wants some chiles, so I seeded a couple more 6-packs.)
April 1:
Marigold, Lemon Signet (4 6-packs), sprouted April 4 (3 days) poor, I put them outside too soon
Cosmos, Cosmic Orange (4 6-packs), sprouted April 4 (3 days), GREAT
Aster, China Opus (4 6-packs), sprouted April 9 (8 days), OK
Anise Hyssop (2 6-packs), sprouted April 9 (8 days), GREAT
April 6:
Tomatoes, New Girl (6 for mom, 3 for me), sprouted April 11 (5 days) All died because the cover fell off and their end of the tray dried out in the hot sun.
Tomatoes, Big Beef (6 for mom, 3 for me), sprouted April 13 (7 days), plot and home, OK
Tomatoes, Orange Blossom (3 for mom, 3 for me), sprouted April 13 (7 days), plot and home, GREAT
Tomatoes, Brandywine (3 for me), sprouted April 13 (7 days), plot and home, OK
Tomatoes, Pink Beauty (3 for mom, 3 for me), sprouted April 13 (7 days) Most died.
Tomatoes, Cherokee Purple (1 for mom, 3 for me), sprouted April 13 (7 days), plot and home, POOR
Tomatoes, Purple Calabash (1 for mom, 3 for me), sprouted April 13 (7 days), plot and home, did well, but I don’t like the variety
Tomatoes, Giant Belgium (3 for me), sprouted April 14 (8 days), plot and home, GREAT
Tomatoes, Oxheart Red (3 for me), sprouted April 17 (11 days), plot and home, GREAT
Tomatoes, San Marzano (3 for me), sprouted April 13 (7 days), plot and home, poor
Tomatoes, Tomango (3 for me), sprouted April 13 (7 days), plot and home, OK but I don’t like the variety
The number listed are the numbers of plants I would like in the garden. To make sure I get enough, I'll plant twice as many seeds and thin (or give away) extras.
My mom only wants early varieties (70-80 days).
April 21
Watermelon (1 3-pack), sprouted April 29 (8 days), plot, poor, plants were too small and I may have put them out too early
Zucchini, Caserta (1 3-pack), didn’t sprout
Zucchini, Cashflow (1 3-pack), sprouted April 25 (6 days), plot, GREAT
Summer squash, Sunburst (1 3-pack), sprouted April 30 (9 days), plot, GREAT
Summer squash, Zephyr (1 3-pack), sprouted April 29 (8 days), plot, GREAT
Summer squash, Starship pattypan (1 3-pack), sprouted April 29 (8 days), plot, GREAT
Pumpkin, Big Rock (1 3-pack), sprouted April 29 (8 days), plot, GREAT
Gourd, Birdhouse (1 3-pack), sprouted April 30 (9 days), plot and home, GREAT
Cucumber, Rocky (1 6-pack), sprouted April 25 (6 days), plot, poor
Cucumber, Striped Armenian (1 6-pack), sprouted April 30 (9 days), didn’t sprout
Beets, Lutz (2 6-packs), sprouted April 26 (4 days), plot, GREAT
Beets, Chiogga (4 6-packs), sprouted April 26 (4 days), plot, GREAT
Basil, Nufar (4 6-packs), sprouted April 27 (5 days), plot, GREAT
Onions, Rosa (2 6-packs), poor
Onions, Yellow Sweet (2 6-packs), poor
Onions, White Portugal (2 6-packs), poor
April 27
Squash, Lakota (1 3-pack), plot, poor
Gourds, large ornamental (1 3-pack), home and plot, GREAT
Squash, Delicata (1 3-pack), community plot, GREAT
Pumpkin, Baby Pam (1 3-pack), home garden, GREAT
April 29
Lettuce, Big Boston (2 6-packs), ??
Marigolds, Snowdrift (2 6-pack), plot, GREAT
May 3
Cucumbers, Pickling (1 6-pack), plot, poor
Zinnias, home GREAT
May 10
Cucumbers, slicing, plot, poor
Watermelon, Sugar Baby, plot, poor
Zucchini, Cashflow, plot, GREAT
Summer Squash, Zephyr, plot, GREAT
June 2
Lettuce, Red Summer Crisp, transplant half June 13, plot, GREAT but grew slowly not ready until late Sept
July 18
Lettuce, Red Summer Crisp, 1 6-pack, plot, GREAT but grew slowly not ready until October
Escarole, Bionda A Cuore Pieno, 1 6-pack, plot, GREAT but grew slowly not ready until October
Beets, Lutz, 1 6-pack, ??
Broccoli, Green Goliath, 2 6-packs, plot, poor, sown too late
Broccoli, Green Sprouting Calabrese, 1 6-pack, plot, poor, sown too late
Dill, Dukat, 2 6-packs, ??
August 3:
Lettuce, Prizehead, 2 6-packs, home, poor
Fall greens mix, 3 6-packs, home, poor
Lettuce, Four Seasons, 1 6-pack, ??
Lettuce, Bibb, 2 6-pack, ??
Endive, Batavian, 2 6-packs ??
Plus one 6-pack I didn't label and don't remember what it is...
Outside in my home gardenMarch 18:
Peas, Sugar Sprint (3' row), sprouted April 4 (17 days), home, OK
Peas, Tall Telephone (3' row), sprouted April 17 (30 days), home, poor
Peas, Pisello Nano (3' row), sprouted April 9 (22 days), home, poor
Fava beans, Windsor (2' by 2' plot), sprouted April 17 (30 days), transplanted to community plot May 3, GREAT
April 11:
Peas, Capucijners (6' row), sprouted April 20, home, OK
Peas, Sugar Sprint (3' row), sprouted April 20, home, OK
Peas, Tall Telephone (3' row), sprouted April 20, home, poor
Peas, Pisello Nano (3' row), sprouted April 20, home, poor
Fava beans, Windsor (2' by 2' plot), sprouted April 24, trans to plot May 3, GREAT
Radish, Sparkler (3 3' rows), sprouted April 15, OK, not my favorite variety
April 21:
Arugula (3' row), sprouted April 25, home, poor
Spinach (3' row), sprouted April 25, home, poor
May 7:
Clover, Crimson, home, GREAT
Sunflowers, Lyng's Graystripe, plot, GREAT
Sunflowers, Ikarus, plot, OK
Sunflowers, Big Smile, plot, OK
May 28:
Beans, mixed saved seeds, home OK
Pole beans, Fortex, planted under the rose bush, didn’t sprout
July 21:
Beans, mixed saved seeds, home OK
Pole beans, Fortex GREAT
Shell beans, Tongue of Fire, plot OK
Shell beans, Black Turtle Soup, OK I think, I didn’t label these properly
Shell beans, Flagioli, OK I think, I didn’t label these properly
Soy beans, Envy, home, poor, didn’t sprout (I ran out of inoculant)
Green beans, Provider, GREAT
Outside at my community plotApril 25:
Potatoes, fingerlings GREAT
Potatoes, Russets VERY GREAT, though I only planted one
Potatoes, Yukon Gold GREAT
April 27:
Carrots, Mokum (1 by 3' patch), plot, GREAT
Carrots, Coreless Amsterdam (1 by 3' patch), plot, OK, not the best variety for me
Carrots, Oxheart (1 by 3' patch), plot, GREAT
Parsnips, Cobham Improved Marrow (1 by 3' patch), didn’t sprout
Onion sets, Stuttgart (4 3' rows), plot, GREAT
May 3:
Fava beans, Windsor (3 by 3' patch) transplants from home garden, plot, GREAT
May 7:
Sunflowers, Lyng's Graystripe, plot, GREAT
Sunflowers, Ikarus, plot, OK
Sunflowers, Big Smile, plot, OK
May 22:
Carrots, Mokum (reseed patch), plot, GREAT
Carrots, Coreless Amsterdam (reseed patch) OK
Carrots, Oxheart (reseed patch), plot, GREAT
Parsnips, Cobham Improved Marrow (reseed patch) didn’t sprout
June 2:
Pole bean, Tongue of Fire, OK, , I didn’t label these properly
Pole bean, FORTEX, GREAT, I didn’t label these properly
Cilantro, saved from last year, didn’t sprout
June 13:
Soy beans, Envy (reseed row, cover with row cover), got eaten by critter again, two plants, poor variety
Soy beans, Butterbeans (reseed row, cover with row cover), mostly eaten by critter, but two GREAT plants
June 14:
Beans, Black Turtle Soup, OK, I didn’t label these properly and ate most green
Beans, Provider, GREAT
Carrots, Coreless Amsterdam (reseed patch), poor
Parsnips, Cobham Improved Marrow (reseed patch), didn’t sprout
Radish, Sparkler and Multicolor, GREAT
August 5:
Spinach, poor
Arugula, OK, a bit of flea beetle damage
August 27:
Beans, Provider
Peas, Alaska
Peas, Sugar Sprint
Carrots, Mokum
Radish, Multicolor
Broccoli, Green Goliath
Kale, Red Russian
Kale, Winterbore
Dill, Durkat
Fall Greens Mix (Sand Hill Preservation Center)
Lettuce, Big Boston
Lettuce, Four Seasons
Lettuce, Black-Seeded Simpson
Outside in plastic bottles (winter sowing) - Overall things did well by this method, I just didn’t transplant then properly. I should have transplanted sooner.
February 22:
Delphinium Magic Fountains mix POOR
Delphinium Fantasia mix, sprouted April 11 (53 days) POOR
Hollyhock Zebrina, sprouted March 25 (32 days) GREAT
Rudbeckia Irish Eyes, sprouted April 1 (39 days) POOR
Rudbeckia Indian Summer, sprouted April 3 (41 days) GREAT
Shasta Daisy Alaska, sprouted March 25 (32 days) POOR
Purple Coneflower, sprouted April 17 (59 days) POOR
Wild Heliopsis (I collected), sprouted April 11 (53 days) POOR
Wild Tansy (I collected), sprouted March 25 (32 days) POOR
Dukat Dill (I collected), sprouted March 25 (32 days) POOR
Onions, White Portugal, sprouted March 27 (34 days) POOR
Onions, Sweet Yellow Spanish, sprouted March 25 (32 days) POOR