Tuesday, January 27, 2015

we have 28 inches of snow so far and its still falling

coop snowed under IMG_0049 Microsoft PowerPoint - coop cam1.pptxcoop in snow  IMG_0041 I cleared a path to the chicken coop. The hens are fine. A bit of snow blew into their run, so when it finishes coming down and blowing around I'll lay down fresh straw. The hens are mostly staying put inside the coop today. I can watch them with a remote camera in the run. Only Bertha, my big, heavily feathered Brahma, is spending any time in the run.

I'm hearing some news about the storm being stalled over our area and that its not doing any weakening yet. So we have more to come.

selfie in the snow IMG_0075suzie in the blizzard IMG_0040 Here's a selfie. Me and my husband. I was snow blowing the driveway but I'm not so good at aiming the blower and I think most of it blew onto my head. Fun!

I want to go down and check on my garden soon. Maybe I'll be able to get a few more pictures today. But probably not much to see. From the house, I can only see the tops of the hoops.


Unknown said...

Boy am I glad I am down in Florida. I don't envy you guys one bit. I didn't realize there was such a big storm going on up there. Be safe and stay warm.

Jennifer said...

I feel for you....normally we are digging ourselves out of the snow here in North Idaho!

Dana K said...

I'm a little ways north of you and my garden is completely buried. Glad to hear your chickens are OK.

edible gardens--point loma said...

I remember the Blizzard of 1978--our first winter in Massachusetts! Fun to see your pictures.

Marian (LondonUK) said...

Wow, lots of white stuff. Great selfie. Although it's a pain getting around, snow brings out the kid in lots of people I know. My 87 year old Mum packs a mean snowball!

Keep safe and warm.
Marian (LondonUK)

kathy said...

I was in college living in a dorm in the blizzard of 78 and had no worries at all related to the storm. Times change. But my husband, also in college, was in an apartment building Boston without heat for a week. He ended up burning furniture in his fireplace to stay warm! So we are fortunate to have had no problems with this storm. We are able to enjoy the beauty of it and look forward to winter sports in coming days.

But I will watch out for those old folks with snowballs!

We had a couple of big redtail hawks today sitting up in a tree about my yard and chicken coop. I think its the beginning of hawk mating season so that's why the two were together. I imagine food is hard to find for them with snow cover. I had just cleared my chickens' glass roof and they did seem to be looking into it. I took some pictures. I'll see if they come out well. Needless to say, the hawks did NOT have a chicken dinner today. The roof is very solid.