A fun thing about checking on the garden plots in winter is looking for animal tracks. There are always rabbit tracks in the paths. And a few people and dog tracks. This photo is a plot near mine with lots of tracks inside its fence. I think I see a couple sets of mouse tracks (and maybe a slightly larger critter), each heading out of, and then back into, the compost bin. Also seems to be a set of bird tracks that go one way, loop around, and then end.
I suspect this is how the world always "looks" to Skippy. His nose tells him what my eyes tell me in the snow. And more.
Where's the rabbit? Did you got to see it? Interesting!
No, I didn't see any of the little critters. I bet they come out at night only. There's a big red tailed hawk up in the tree in the day time. The little animals probably have to be really careful now, when food is scarce for the predators. In the summer, I see lots of rabbits in the gardens and I hear the mice squeaking in the compost piles, but I never see them in the winter. Only tracks.
That's a very interesting viewpoint. I have 2 beagles and they run around in mad circles in the fields, they must be following tracks just like this, invisible to me. Wonderful!
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