I'm getting ready to plant!
Today I sorted my seed packets. I made a pile for each planting date and wrapped these with rubber bands. A pile for 12 weeks (before last frost), one for 10 weeks, one for 8 weeks etc.
I also stopped by my local True Value hardware store and got a bag of soil and some seed trays. I got my old stand by soil - MiracleGro seed starting mix. For trays, I got 4 large trays (no holes) and 4 packs of 1x1.5 inch planting cells. These are my favorite planting items, though there wasn't any choice at the store I went to. I don't think they've put out their seed planting stock yet. Most gardeners don't start so early I guess. (They probably wonder what's my problem...)
The first seeds to get planted are the onions and celeriac, which get planted at 12 weeks before last frost. I may also plant a couple very early tomato seeds soon. And maybe a few flowers, like lavender.
I'm so excited to be planting soon!!!!
Amazing Plan
Great schedule that you made before going to plat the vegetables. i like that very much.your collection of seed's packet in the pile is marvelous.this help us to prepare a Veg Plants in a systematic manner..
I already have some seedlings up. Isn't this an exciting time of the year?
I am going for the same technique this year, along with writing the sowing date and variety on trays/pots that are coming up so I have no excuse for forgetting.
Do you have a photo of your setup for the seeds while they are indoors. I would like to see how you do it. Thanks.
I have to start doing something like that soon! Hopefully this weekend!!!
Love spring! and can't wait!!!
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Jasmine Watson
Online Marketing Consultant
We've been following your blog and love it so much, we started our own called 'Farming in the 'dale'. Thanks for the great photos, the great info, and the inspiration.
love and peas, -Tricie and Conor
I am going to try to get mine done today:-)
Have you talked about lights yet? I'd like to start seeds for the first time, but I don't think my south facing window will cut it. I'd rather not make a bug investment, because the point is to save money. Will the small fluorescent fixture over my kitchen sink work if I can get a shelf installed beneath it?
A big investment, not a "bug" investment--ha!
I found your old post about lights, so thanks!
So exciting! My Fedco order just arrived today! I am in NH, so a little bit behind you, but I need to hit the garden store for supplies...this will be our first time starting seeds ourselves :). Now to figure out planting dates...thanks for the organization idea!
Anyone else finding Park Seeds to be rather slow on delivery this spring? Seed Savers, Territorial and Gurney's were very prompt...
Hello, I know you are looking into putting some hives in your community garden this coming year. I was just on Craigslist looking at the farming/garden section and I came across this ad. You might be interested in this! http://westernmass.craigslist.org/grd/1584673475.html
Thanks Felicia, I forwarded to the beekeeper.
No problem, I've gotten a lot of tips and advice from you this past growing season, which so happened to be my first, so when I came across the post, I thought of you.
It's so exciting to plant those first seeds. I got a little thrill just seeing your stacks of seed packs. Happy sowing!
I just ordered my blue seed potatoes, I am tickled! A few more months and we will be off and running! You have quite a few piles of seeds there, I am still in the process of collecting all of mine.
For lights, a great system I use is a cheap plug-in fluorescent utility light from Home Depot loaded with full-spectrum bulbs. Set it up with a timer for 8-10 hour automatic operation per day and you're set. So far its worked for 2 years down in the basement.
Yay, seeds! Can't wait to see what pops up in your garden this year.
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