I thought I was going to fall and kill myself, but no, I survived perching on a tall thin stump to take this photo. I think from this view you get a good sense of the plot and surroundings. You can see the meadow to the right. The surrounding plots. And you can see all of my plot. I have now finished turning the soil, and I've marked out the plot perimeter, doorway and the beds. Now I have to try to stay away from the plot for a few days to catch up on my work and the yard work at home. It won't be easy....
Here's a slide show of some photos from my plot today.
Hi Kathy,
My name is Brenda. I'm a relatively new gardener, as in I finally have my own place to plant! I found your website and I must say that I love it! It is a very easy and interesting read and your pictures are fabulous. I am in Acton, Maine. We still have snow on the ground here but my three year old daughter and I are home sick today and planting some seeds. I realize we are a little late, but I wanted to give it a try and have her experience this with me. Thank you for showing the world your gardening journey! It's an inspiration! *Bren*
Oh... Kathy I know exactly how you feel. I feel the same every evening this time of year. I feel and look like I'm eighty when I stumble in at night. But after a good meal, a hot bath and a good nights sleep I'm at it again the next day....crazy? Yes and loving it.
Very nice sized plot you have there Kathy. Good Luck on your harvest!
I can't wait to see its progression over the planting season. Skippy definitely looks like he is the king of the new plot already!
We had frost here this morning! Hopefully, it will be the last. I have been itching to plant the few tomatoes I have purchased thus far, but I'm glad I held off. My lettuce plants were protected by their location in the garden, luckily.
Thanks for all the comments!
I love to hear about planting with a 3 year old daughter. I bet that's fun. Certainly not too late! Especially in Maine. I just bought some more marigold and zinnia seeds. I will be planting inside for a while yet. Next week the squash and cuke seeds will go into indoor pots. I love watching them sprout.
Yes Janet - Skippy thinks he is the king of the plot. Already. He was sad we didn't go there today. Tomorrow.
I have been told that the big open field of the community garden frosts late since it is so exposed. They say MAY 31 for planting tomatoes and other warm weather plants@!! You're lucky to have a nice long season.
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