I am doing some more indoor seed sowing today. Its time to start the squashes, watermelon and cukes. I'll also sow some beets, basil and zinnias. And some more onions, lettuce and marigolds. Probably about one 6-pack of each - not very many. I have a nice pane of glass I found, so I will try to construct a cold frame and leave these new trays out in my side yard. The weather is getting quite mild and my sprinklers make watering easy.
The squashes, beets, onions and flowers are for my sunny community plot. Cukes, basil and lettuce are for my home garden. Its new for me to start so many seedlings in trays rather than sowing directly in the garden (or buying seedlings). I have seen that's how our local real farmer (Belmont CSA Farm) does 90% of her seeding.
Cucurbita pepo (squash)
Cucumis sativus
Watermelon (Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) Matsum & Nakai, family Cucurbitaceae)
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