Here are photos of my plot from all angles. (Plus the plot's guard dog.) My plot is just bordered by rocks so far. (My rock garden.) I hope to put up a new fence this weekend. I've turned about 2/3 of the soil so far.
We went to the plot early this morning to do an hour of digging. I had to tug on Skippy to get him to leave. He's quite at home there. He got a bad stomach ache from eating too much grass around the plot on our first day there. And he was pleased to be able to do some of his own digging in the dirt.
Now that the excitement of the new plot has worn off a bit, I've been able to make more accurate measurements of the plot. The long sides measure 25 feet and the short sides are 14 feet. That's 350 square feet! And I need 78 feet of fence.
I have had some good advice to skip the raised beds since I have good soil. I think the next step will be to mark out beds (about 3.5 by 7 feet each, like my home beds) with string and stakes. Then I'll put wood chips in the paths. I think I'll move the door way from the back side to the front corner, which means a little rock moving.
The fence will go just outside the rocks. I think the rocks will be a useful resource. They will make a nice bench. Maybe other uses.
more pictures of skip
350 square feet! That's bigger than my studio apartment. No, really.
I found your site on my search for garden blogs to read and I really enjoy it. We don't have any place here like your community garden and I think that it is a great idea. I would love to be apart of something like that!
Yes, 350 sq ft is a lot of space! I feel very lucky to have this. I am enjoying the community garden experience. A gardener stopped by my plot to talk this morning. A couple others were out working in their plots. Its really nice.
Congratulation to the new plot, it looks great.
HI Tyra, Thanks. I was just looking at your beautiful blog pictures!
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