Can I get any help in identifying this wing flasher I saw in Rock Meadow yesterday? Mockingbird? Shrike?
The meadow and woods adjacent to my community garden has great wildlife. This weekend I flushed a pair of wood ducks in the woods by the stream. I still haven't seen the noisy ring necked pheasant, but I keep looking. I'd like to check for the nesting bluebirds again today.
garden birds (Hortus Aves)
Belmont Victory Garden
Rock Meadow Conservation Land, Belmont
That little lovely is a mockingbird. He has a beautiful song.
I'd say mockingbird also. We have one that stays at my house all winter and comes to my birdbath. It took my a long time to figure out what he was.
Its that dark area that looks like an eye stripe that confused me. But he certainly has a body and bill shape like a mockingbird. And mockingbirds are known to do wing flashing.
Thanks for the help.
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