Not my best year for peas. I'm trying to grow shell peas. I planted three different varieties (Cascadia, Oregon Giant and something else). (I even used pea innoculant on all.) Usually sugar snap (Johnny's Sugar Sprint) do very well in my garden. I've tried shell peas several times before and they have never done well. Not sure why. Maybe shell peas need more sun?
Next year I think I'll go back to Sugar Sprint and just let the pods get big and shell them. We really like fresh shell peas!!
We have such a short spring, peas start great, but get too hot really fast. I've always thought peas would like lower sunlight and cooler temps.
Peas definitely need plenty of moisture when they are flowering, otherwise the pods will not set. I think they also need good supports, without which they will just get into a tangle on the ground, and become prey for slugs!
Ruth, which variety is that? Thanks.
I never plant mine early enough. When do you plant yours?
My peas look the same as yours in full sun in Connecticut.Some grew and some didn't in the same space.
Best Wishes Roxy
It looks like you're using to large a width trellis. The tendrils of the pea can not wrap around the width of your trellis there can not climb. I learned this the hard way as you have shown here. Green vinyl fence like in the foreground of this picture works much better then the large wooden width trellis. Just a thought that I should relay on. Good luck with the 90 degrees forecasted for later in the week!
We've had a bad pea year too. I blame our wacky Spring. We never really got the nice mild weather they like.
My garden is not far from Belmont... My pea is over 5 ft high, but there are no flowers. I got seed from local Agway store, I have the trellis support, it looked great, but no flowers... ;-(. Not sure why, I did not put in any fertilizer...
I've got sugar peas and they aren't doing very well either if it makes you feel any better.
I have tried so many different pea varieties over the years. The modern cultivars are much improved and very prolific. The best here is Hurst Greenshaft
I've had good luck with Green Arrow shelling peas. I grow them in full sun though so I can't say they would produce in shade.
My peas grow fine in CT, BUT THE BUNNIES! Right when they flower and are about to produce pods the little buggers come and bite the vines right at the base, severing the whole vine. It's so sad...I don't mind sharing a few pods, but why do they have to bite it right at the base???
One year I planted my peas on St Patrick's Day and this was the best crop I had. This years it seemed too cold to plant then. And its hard to get garden ready so early. But yes, early is best@
And so true that these supports are not best for peas. I need a net or string for the tendrils. I will remember this next year...
I have tried Alderman (also called Tall Telephone), which sounds like a great heirloom variety, several years in the past and have never gotten it to grow well here in New England. I will try ordering some of the other varieties mentioned for next year.
And, the last word on my peas - those cute little rabbits came back and ate most of the pea vines the day after they ate all my kale. I think now the baby rabbits are too big to get through my fence. (They grow fast.) This early spring timing has been a problem the last few years. Maybe I need to get some baby rabbit fence for next year. Just a low chicken wire all around would do it.
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I am in Columbus and tried Little Marvel this year. I have pods now and am waiting. They appear to be doing well. Sunny in morning and semi sun in pm. I planted in raised bed with a little piece of wire garden fence for support.
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