It was a beautiful hot dry morning after a good rain last night.
Today's garden work:
String up the tomato vines
Admire the giant potato bushes
Try to aim the squashes up the trellis
Check on the bagged apples and pears
Harvest half of my garlic, wash and lay out to dry
I always love this time of year... My little neighbor girls love to come over and harvest the garlic :)
I just harvested my garlic. I'm happy with my harvest.
Lot's of hard work with many rewards! Enjoy.
nice garlic corp.
i like garlic!!!!!
backyard design
Skippy seem pleased!
It seems early to harvest garlic, were the tops begining to die back? Mine havent started to die back.
I cant wait to harvest
Lovely shot of Skippy with a big smile! Isn't a great feeling when dig or pick and eat your own produce. Happy 4th July, are you having a celebratory Martini or 2?
Marian (LondonUK)
Your garlic looks really good. Can't wait to harvest mine so I can plant something else.
I'm going to need to string up my tomatoes as well, soon, though I'm not sure exactly how it's done.
Maybe I can string the hanging part to the main part of the branch or maybe I'm supposed to string it to a branch.
I love that "admire giant potato bushes" is listed under garden work:)
What a lovely lot of garlic. I lifted mine today, leaving them to dry off in a shed for a few days.
Kathy I read once that it is not a good idea to expose freshly harvested garlic to direct sunlight. It "cooks" them and hastens spoilage. What I do is shake the dirt off as best I can and keep them in shade on an old door screen between two saw horses. I deal with the dirt when I peel back the outer layers after they have cured.
Nice looking garlic. I was going to wait a bit longer on mine, but maybe I will pick some after seeing your harvest
Yes, it's a great time of year in the garden. Unfortunately, we've just had a huge downpour of rain and it's snapped half of my sugar snap peas. It's my own fault for not staking them up properly. Still, plenty of time to plant some more!
Your garden looks beautiful. I like the way that you stake up your veggies. We put stakes on our green peppers to help them stay standing because they get so many peppers on them. We also use tomato cages to support our tomato plants. Our tomato plants grow about 4-5 feet each year.
Hi, I just came across your blog!
I love your photos and dedication to sustainability. I started growing my own little vegetable garden this spring, and am thoroughly enjoying it. I adore being able to harvest my own chard for lunch and in general helping the environment, even just a little bit.
If you can, I would love for you to come check out my blog! I just wrote a post about my garden.
It's amazing to see the dedication you have for gardening. I am garden designer and love to do my job
Hi Kathy, now and then I write you some comments, but never put a name I guess I should start ding that. I love following you in your garden along with Skippy.
I wanted to ask you when did you plant your garlic? I have not done it for three years and forgot the date :p was going to do it this year almost at the end of fall. Does that sound good, or as long as I put them on ground in fall does not matter?
Thanks for great blog,
HI Huli,
Anytime in the fall is OK. Late Sept of October is good. You want to plant early enough to get goo roots before winter, but late enough so the tops don't get too big and get damaged by the winter. I planted late this year October 31 and some just barely sprouted before winter. Little half inch sprouts. But they did fine and I have big heads of garlic this year.
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