This is the back of my side yard - behind the vegetable garden. Center view is my little Fugi apple tree. This year is has at least a dozen apples!!! More than ever before. :)) We trimmed a big branch off off the maple tree in the backyard and I guess the apple appreciated it.
I like to cover the young apples to keep away bugs and squirrels. I've used stockings in the past, but don't have enough old stockings for such a big crop. I'm looking into other options. Any suggestions??
Same question for my pear tree at my community plot. It has a dozen or more pears forming. I'd like to cover them soon.
I think you could use the same material they use to make floating row covers, except that doesn't have the nice using-something-recycled bonus.
Hi, just found your blog and am enjoying... need to read back a way. Thrift stores often sell stockings very cheap and/or toss them. Ask your local goodwill to put some aside for you. Best of luck! - We planted our first apple tree this year. I guess I should start saving my nylons! Thanks for the great blog.
If you get desperate I was reading about using ziploc bags... the trouble is that they can hold moisture and cause rot but maybe could be used temporarily. Fabric is a better fruit protector, maybe hit a dollar store for some cheap hose?
Maybe you could use something like cheesecloth or a fine netting? You can usually find cheesecloth at the grocery store or you could swing by a Joann's or something...
Another common thrift shop item is old curtains. Maybe a nylon net or very worn cotton would work.
I hope they all make it!
Fingers crossed..
Martin :-)
I grow about two dozen different heirloom tomatoes in my garden. Great information! Enjoyed the pictures.
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