She even gave me a fancy badge to post. I'll get it onto my side bar soon.
I think in honor of the award - and to spite the snow - I'll go outside right now and bring my seedlings to the cold frame to start hardening off. Its 45*F right now inside the frame. Some of the snow on the cover in the photo below has begun to melt. March 1 seems like a good day to start bringing new seedlings out!
Congratulations. You deserve it.
CONGRATULATIONS! You deserve it. Your blog is wonderful. I've never wanted to "blog" until I started reading yours about gardening.
That is really cool!! Congratulations:-)
Fantastic, you deserve it. When I happened upon your Blog I had never had the inclination to regularly read anything on the internet. But with your warm, informative, homely writing I was hooked! Congratulations, is there anything you can plonk in a Martini at this time of year?? Actually it looks like plenty of icy snow to put in the glass. Cheers!
Marian (London UK)
Very well deserved, Kathy! Yours has always been a favorite of mine, so I'm glad to see you getting some big attention!
Yay for you! :)
Recognition, and well deserved, Kathy!
Very well deserved. After two years of urban gardening in a 100 sf space, I still find you write my favorite garden blog. And not just because you're from Boston and drink martinis. Although the martinis do give you points, esp. when they have little tiny veggies in them...
Congratulations on your award! Happy gardening and happy blogging!
Honk! Honk! Richly deserved. Your blog is both interesting, lovely to look at and, most important to me, inspiring re: getting up and out and getting gardening DONE. =) Yay!
Congratulations and a very well deserved honor! Your blog always inspires me.
Congratulations! How wonderful.
I always stop by to see what you are up to, your blog is very "fresh"!
There is a nice "energy" to your site.
Congratulations - well deserved!
Well that's pretty neat, huh? Almost as neat as spring.
happy for you. i agree heartily with the award!
You definitely deserve this Kathy!! Really enjoy your blog!
Congrats on the award!
congratulations!! i really enjoy checking in and seeing what's happening in your garden. thanks for sharing!
Congrats! How much do you and Skippy get?
Wow! congratulations!
Congrats. One of the best gardening blogs on the net.
Much deserved recognition.
A hearty congratulations to you. Your hard work is paying o.
Honestly, way to go!
This is a great blog -- thanks Kathy and congratulations!
Well deserved, your blog is as inspirational as it is informative!
Thank you.
Yay! I have enjoyed following your blog and its quite apparent that i am not alone. So, good for you and very much deserved. :o)
Congratulations! You deserve this honor. I enjoy visiting your blog to see what you are doing in your garden. Your photos are wonderful, too.
Well deserved, Kathy! Skippy's... Garden is the gold standard of gardening blogs and an invaluable resource. Congratulations!
Congratulations! That's super!
A well deserved honor for one of my favorite "go to" blogs.
Congratulations and keep up the great work.
Fantastic and congratulations. Well done you.
Finally I found a vegetable gardening blog!! I'm so excited! I hope to learn a lot from you. (Although we have extremely different weather - zone 8-California) I am in the process of building raised beds for my first vegetable garden....I have a lot to learn!
Congratulations on your award....at this point, the only reward I would like is garden success!
Having recently taken in a large black dog, and having recently decided to try my hand (thumb?) once again at a backyard vegetable garden, I stumbled across your blog and found just the right mix of inspiration I was looking for. Thank you and congratulations!
Thanks for all the compliments!!!
Hi I'm Judy, I found your blog about gardening and can't wait to read it all. I started my blog and would love to have you follow me!
my blog: Edsbettycrocker.blogspot.com
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