There's a big hawk sitting in the ash tree right next to my community garden plot the past few days. A female Red-tailed hawk. Probably the same one I've seen in this area for years. I'm glad to see her watching over the plots. I know there are very many rodents (and rabbits) in there.
I recently saw this Red-tail photo in the Boston Globe. The hawk caught and ate a pigeon amidst the holiday shoppers downtown. They are everywhere in the winters here.
Nice pictures!
Hawks are such amazing creatures. They have such grace and patience. You photos are gorgeous. Excellent job capturing the majesty of this bird
Red-tailed hawks are incredible animals. Did you get to see the nesting ones over by the Whole Foods in Fresh Pond this spring? My students and I have set up a bird-watching heaven just outside our classroom and we've had these hawks come through the "bird-feed" on the birds. We even got a falcon last week!
Gorgeous pictures you have! I love the first can really see the glints of red in it.
Good to know she's watching over your plot so you don't have to.
What a gorgeous hawk! Just beautiful.
I was just hawk watching in my own garden yesterday. I started to feel silly starting and photographing it after a while. Funny how amazing it can be to see a bird of prey!
Not a welcome sight to those of us that raise chickens...
Hi Kathy,
I am the Environmental Committee chair at the National Marine Fisheries Service office in Gloucester, MA. Our office has around 200 Federal employees. We are hosting a Gardening/Sustainable Food Fair and are hoping that you may want to be a part of it. We are not looking for anything fancy, simply people to educate our staff regarding Community-Supported Agriculture, gardening, composting, fish cooperative, Farmers' Market, etc. This would be a place for you to discuss your expertise and pass along information/flyers. Do you have any interest? This would not be a formal presentation, rather we would have tables set up and people could come by and speak with you if interested.
If interested, would you be free to come for a couple of hours (11:30 AM to 1:30 PM) to represent organic farming? The tentative date is March 9, 2011, Wednesday. We hope that this is early enough in the year to beat the Summer rush.
Thank you,
Sarah (
Hi,great photographs. We have a large community of hedge sparrows in the hedge near our workshop. A few weeks ago we had continual visits from a Sparrow Hawk diving to try and catch one of our little buddies. They do appear from time to time but this was a few times a day over several days. They must have been hungry I guess to venture into a suburban garden.
Nice invitation from the Marine people!
Marian (London UK)
wow!! great shot. .
How wonderful! and such beautiful photos. We had a fright this week when we spotted a red-tailed kite over the dog rescue centre where I volunteer. Trouble was, my friend's miniature chihuaua was taking a run in the paddock at the time! We had to run out to save it.. or it might have been a tasty snack!
Thank you for the lovely picture of the red tailed hawk watching your garden! I was searching for a good picture to add to my blog and am glad to have found your website as I love gardening as well. I live in New York and would like to grow all of our own vegetables, so look forward to learning from you. We have a garden at home, unheated greenhouse and rented a small community plot last summer. With some planning and learning from you, I imagine we can supply our family with a lot more food in the near future. Thank you! My blog is:
Take care!
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