My winter coat isn't half as nice as Skippy's.
We did try the new dog boots the other day. I won't show a picture because they look silly. They are a thick rubber balloon material, color coded by size. Skippy's size is bright purple. But they prevent snowballs in the paws very well. These are a big problem for Skip when we have fresh powder.
Don't know why they can't be a more dignified color - like black. Skippy looks good in basic black. Even dark green or dark blue. But bright purple!! OMG. People who walked by would quietly stare, one couple giggled. They don't ask, they just stare, so you know it seems odd. But we will endure as they worked well and Skippy liked them and we doesn't care too much about the stares. Here's a picture of a dog with the purple rubber boots (notice he wouldn't let them show his face). It seems he even has socks on under them!
When I hated what my mother made me wear, I always said, "My mom made me wear this." She gracefully took the blame. Perhaps Skippy needs a sandwich board when he goes for a walk saying, "My owner made me wear these shoes!" He does look beautifully embarassed. ;)
Is that fabric at the top, to hold them on?
If it's something that would tolerate sewing needles or a small crochet hook, maybe you could make some black "spats" to go over the purple, to protect Skippy's dignity.
What a dignified puppy!
Aww - c'mon Skippy, let us have a look at you with those boots! How adorably cute!
My black dog also looks silly in the purple balloon boots. He has a pair of black Muttluks that are much more dignified looking, and stay on better. Not that he likes wearing them any more than the others.
I'm with Rainbow on the black decocrating of the offending bootees, other than that I am sure those that are in the know on doggy couture would say that in 2010 purple is the new black dahhling!
Great pic of Skippy.
Marian(London UK)
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