These are my choices of photos for the January Globe photo contest. The theme is "What's That?". Photos must be taken this month. I think I can only enter one of these.
Its a fun contest. Here's a link to see all entries at Flickr. Check out this one: link. Do you think they are tomatoes? And this one: link, cauliflower?
Of mine, I like this one best: Can you guess what it is?
I have ended up entering "primary" the one at the top left with primary colors - red, yellow and blue. These are those lights that are on all night. If you try to photograph and move the camera the effect can be interesting. (Or not.) I'm always amazed at all the little lights when everything is supposed to be off.
How about the metal shelving rack you start seedlings on (under florescent lights)? The first time I looked at it the metal looked red...but then I noticed (I think) blinds in the background...hmmm... what could it be...
I love looking at all of your photographs. They are all wonderful. My favorite photo is the metal piece that you like, but in the blue light instead. The last link that you added for the cauliflower is actually Romanesco Broccoli. Good luck with the contest!
The metal shelves you start seeds on. I have the same thing in my basement with some herbs overwintering on it.
A shelving unit or baking rack you placed by the window sill for the sweet potato sprouts or paperwhites maybe.
Metal shelving. I'd go with your first one the color swirl - or the one on your flickr called planks. For the life of me, I don't see the planks and would NEVER have guessed that. It's a really good photo!
Me too ... metal shelving ... not tough at all :-)
Kathy - My favourite is the "Primary" one in the corner. I'm guessing, too, that the picture is of the side of a metal shelf - I have the identical pattern on my plant shelves where I raise my African violets in a large garden window. Good luck to you!
- Daisy in AZ where it's overcast and 59 degrees
I like your favorite shot. I was not sure what it was. As I start seeds in a rather old-fashioned setup, I can't make any pronouncements as to metal shelving. ;)
However, my favorite is the one in the upper right-hand corner, the purple, almost abstract shot. No idea what it is, and the shot is very artistic and beautiful, too.
What an interesting contest!
Pretty easy to guess. Nice picture though.
All you gardeners know metal shelving!
I had no idea it was metal shelving. Thanks for sharing the contest with us. It was a lot of fun trying to find indoor subjects that weren't immediately obvious and provided a somewhat interesting photo in low or no light (rough that the photo had to be taken this month). I went ahead and entered something and I love what you used as your entry.
Of the choices, I like primary in the upper left corner. I really like "purple light" and "red on red" from your flickr account. I have no clue what purple light is. I know red on red is a flower petal, but it is gorgeous. I culd get lost in it. GReat photos!
dreamer, You are so nice. I have had fun with these photos. "purple light" is a cut crystal glass that is beautiful in the light. "red on red" is a lily petal in one of those Costco flower bunches. "primary" was a creation taken by moving the camera with different nighttime lights in its field. The router and printer lights. Playing with photography is a great way to see things in a different light.
Love the tequila glass shot. Soft, subtle range of colors. Thanks for sharing all those photos!
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