This is Naples Florida, way down south on the west coast of Florida. I abandon the New England weather for a few days in the middle of every winter. To visit my parents and get some sun on my face and sand in my toes.
The weather here has been very cold, for this area, for the past few days. There has been damage to the local crops and plants around my parents house. The papaya trees next door looked singed and the orchid flower has some spots.
My Mom has started growing a few tomato and basil seedlings from seed. They are a few inches tall now and I have photos of them to post soon.
I just started following your blog ...
I'll bet it is nice to get a break from the snow ... which beach is this?
Very necessary to get some respite from the cold and dark! Soak it up!
Why, I'm heading there myself in a few weeks! Enjoy!
This is Clam Pass (Naples FL). We rode the little carts all the way out on the board walk. It is a FANTASTIC beach!
Sounds like so much fun! I've gotta check it out one day. My sister and I visited my dad in Miami recently. I did a post on it. So much fun! How awesome is it that your parents can sprout tomatoes!! I can't wait.
Love it there, it has always been the best place for me to walk early morning and find Sand Dollars. We try, money allowing to get there each year and we are coming there in December with the whole of my husband's family as our Neice has chosen to get married there and have a big family holiday too! Can't wait. Enjoy Kathy, enjoy.
Marian (London UK)
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