Julia and Rebecca easily won the Giant Vegetable Contest at the Belmont Victory Garden Seed Swap and Garden Harvest Celebration yesterday. They entered a 20.6 lb pumpkin grown by Belmont High School Girls Cross Country Team. They ran up at the last minute to see if they were in time for the contest. They were. Congratulations to the whole team!
The big pumpkin has been growing all season in the Coach's plot. The team often runs the 2-3 miles from the High School to the gardens and tends the plot. Then they run the 2-3 miles back to school. With this routine, its hard for them to harvest anything. But they sure grew a nice pumpkin.
My pumpkin weighed just under 15 lbs and came in second. I'm looking forward to next year's contest!
Congratulations young runner/gardeners!! It looks like your seed swap was successful in spite of the rain.
What a good idea for the cross country team--growing vegetables at the same time they're running!! Way to go, girls!!!!!
That's terrific!!!Congrats on your second place!
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