Wednesday, September 27, 2017

crabapple jelly

crabapples IMG_0216 crabapple jelly IMG_0435

My mom has a crabapple tree that was full of very big crabapples this year. So I picked a basket full. I've never made crabapple jelly before. The apples are really tart (pucker), but the jelly is wonderful. And I love the color. (I used the recipe in Ball Home Preserving pages 107 and 109.)


Anonymous said...

I had no idea that you could actually eat crabapples, as silly as that sounds. Very cool!

kathy said...

Most ornamental crabapples produce very small fruit - like berries. Even the birds don't eat it. But there are some crabapples that have large fruit. Maybe they are old fashioned trees. Less ornamental. My mom's tree is at the periphery of her yard against the woods. She didn't plant it. Maybe the birds brought in seed years ago. I wish I had more. I've already given away a number of jars of jam and we're almost finished one ourselves.