Monday, January 06, 2014


titmouse 024 How can you get any cuter than a tufted titmouse?


zippiknits...sometimes said...

You can't! Well, Bushtits are a close second in the non-humming types of perching birds. Great Photo.

Sorry you are all so freezing back there! The weather is just dreadful!

Unknown said...

You can't! It is too cute!!!

Marian (LondonUK) said...

Hi Kathy, what a beautiful bird. I bet your feeders have been greatly welcomed by the birds with the awful cold temperatures that you are experiencing. They need a good tuck shop to visit!
Marian (LondonUK)

Ken said...

Great feeder bird shots. Do you have an outside blind? Or just shoot thru a window? Shots are crisp, sharp, and clear.