Tuesday, January 28, 2014

another egg

first two eggs My second egg! This one is medium brown with a few dark speckles. Penny, my Black Australorp, is the one who lays that color egg. Yeah Penny! Penny's first egg is a quite a bit bigger than Ginger's first egg yesterday. Both eggs are probably a size that would be called "peewee".


Tomato Thymes said...

Wow how exciting!

Grow a Good Life said...

Congrats again! Woohooo! My flock raised last summer is finally all laying. They lay small at first, My Black Australorp, Halle was laying good sized eggs within a few days. My Easter Eggers lay slightly smaller eggs.

kathy said...

It seems so amazing to just walk out back to the hen house and get eggs. It's like when I grew my first carrot! I am so thrilled.

Unknown said...

I didn't visit your blog for a few days and all of a sudden you get two eggs!!! lol! I know you've been waiting for this. Congrats again! Love to follow your story.

Anonymous said...

Such a pretty pair!

kathy said...

Yes Stefani, Suddenly I have laying hens! It caught me by surprise too.