And I've been watching the snow melt on the spot where I'd like to put my new home garden. There is a very slight slope there too, facing south. Also tall trees all around the open yard. The snow melts fastest at the top of the slope, which is right along the south facing tree line. I'll put my garden in this spot.
This is a journal of my vegetable gardens. Skippy was my first dog and he thought the garden was his, even though I did all the work. Now Suzie and Charley follow in his footsteps. We're located near Boston (USDA zone 6A). I have a community plot, a backyard vegetable garden, fruit trees, berry bushes, chickens, and bees. I use sustainable organic methods and do my best to grow all of my family's vegetables myself.
Friday, January 31, 2014
watching how the snow thaws
And I've been watching the snow melt on the spot where I'd like to put my new home garden. There is a very slight slope there too, facing south. Also tall trees all around the open yard. The snow melts fastest at the top of the slope, which is right along the south facing tree line. I'll put my garden in this spot.
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
four eggs so far
Both Ginger and Penny laid another egg today. Omelets on the menu here for the weekend. I'm looking forward to comparing the fresh eggs to store bought eggs. I've been told they are much better.
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
another egg
Monday, January 27, 2014
an egg!!! an egg!!!
I was busy all day today and, for the first time, didn't get out to the coop until very late. It was about 7 pm and dark, but the coop light was still on. The hens muttered as I came up, something about "where have you been" and "why didn't you bring us our leftovers this morning" or maybe it was more like "we're really glad to see you".
Anyway, they clucked and baaked and I did the usual check of the coop and THERE IT WAS! I've looked for an egg at least once a day since the end of November. I hardly knew what I was seeing.
Its a pale blueish-greenish egg - that would be one of Ginger's. She's an Araucana chicken. My brown hen. (My other two hens will eventually lay brown eggs.) Its a lot smaller than the extra-large store-bought eggs I had in the fridge.
I found the egg lying in the middle of the hen house, almost buried in the extra deep layer of fresh wood shavings and hay I put down a couple days ago. I'll have to tell Ginger she's supposed to lay in one of the nesting boxes. That's OK, I can work on explaining that to her now that she's an official "laying hen"!
I'll make sure to bring all the hens a special breakfast tomorrow!
draft 2 of my new 2014 garden
Lots of room for tomatoes - I'm looking forward to canning enough the last the winter next year. Same with potatoes - I'll have enough room to grow baskets of potatoes for storage all winter. Lots of room for greens, spinach, lettuce, mustards, arugula, and bok choy. Room for green beans, soy beans and shell beans. Even space for cutting flowers, mostly zinnias and small sunflowers, I think.
Since I planted my garlic in my community garden plot last fall, I'll keep that garden too this year. My espaliered pears are there. This fall I'll move them to my backyard. I've planned to put crops that need less attention in my community plot. (I'm also the Garden Coordinator for at least another year, so I'd like to spend time there to keep up with how things are going.)
So I'll be busy in the garden this year!!! What fun.
Sunday, January 26, 2014
plant shelves are up!
Saturday, January 25, 2014
january larder
I have a good supply of garlic - I got that crop in the ground before we started the home-selling stuff. Its really nice, with big cloves and holding fine (even though we don't have a cool place to store it - that's another story: our new house doesn't have a basement yet. We'll build one this spring.)
I also have a couple nice shallots left. (I grew shallots for the first time last year and was really pleased with these. I'll grow them again this year.) I have a lot of dried chilis. I grow a cayenne and a Thai hot chili every year. These thin-walled chilis air dry easily on a plate my counter top. I also have a couple bags of dried herbs. These are plants I cropped short when we left our old house. I have dill, sage and oregano.
And I have a little bowlful of dried beans. I tried to grow crops of Jacobs Cattle beans and black turtle beans, but only ended few of the former. And, then I grew Fortex green beans, but didn't harvest them in time so they matured and dried. So I have a fairly unattractive and very small bowl of dried beans. Nevertheless, I'm saving them and looking forward to a special chili meal.
Sunday, January 19, 2014
chickens don't like the snow - but Suzie LOVES it
(you'd think they could at least lay eggs while they're in there - no eggs yet)
Saturday, January 18, 2014
snow on my future garden
Thursday, January 16, 2014
A red fox walked through my backyard today not 20 feet from the window where I was. It was heading toward the chicken coop. I wish I'd gotten a picture as it was a beautiful animal, but I jumped up and ran yelling "Stay away from my chickens!"
Now that the local wildlife has found my hens, I'm wondering now if I should add that layer of chicken wire I'd been meaning to add at the base of the run to protect against digging predators.
The main predator of chickens that I've heard of around here is hawks. Red tailed hawks are big, but I don't know if one could fly off with a chicken. A friend of mine had a hawk get into her run's open door this winter and drag off a chicken. (I'll have to ask her if it was a full sized hen or a bantam.) I don't think it flew off with the hen, but was able to drag her out of the coop. It did not end well for the chicken.
I was looking up how long it takes for chickens to reach their full size. My hens are 6 months old now. What I found is that chickens grow for about 18 months. So I guess my girls have more growing to do. Ginger and Penny will eventually be 5-6 lbs and Bertha 10-12 lbs, if I can keep them safe....
Usually when I let my hens out of the coop, I stay and guard them. Last fall I would rake nearby. Now, I mostly just stand and watch. I wonder if I could train the dogs to guard them? Suzie and Skippy are good about being out with the chickens, even without me around. Silly Suzie usually joins the chickens in their foraging as she loves the sunflower seed I scatter. Skippy and I watch and shake our heads at her.
Now that the local wildlife has found my hens, I'm wondering now if I should add that layer of chicken wire I'd been meaning to add at the base of the run to protect against digging predators.
The main predator of chickens that I've heard of around here is hawks. Red tailed hawks are big, but I don't know if one could fly off with a chicken. A friend of mine had a hawk get into her run's open door this winter and drag off a chicken. (I'll have to ask her if it was a full sized hen or a bantam.) I don't think it flew off with the hen, but was able to drag her out of the coop. It did not end well for the chicken.
I was looking up how long it takes for chickens to reach their full size. My hens are 6 months old now. What I found is that chickens grow for about 18 months. So I guess my girls have more growing to do. Ginger and Penny will eventually be 5-6 lbs and Bertha 10-12 lbs, if I can keep them safe....
Usually when I let my hens out of the coop, I stay and guard them. Last fall I would rake nearby. Now, I mostly just stand and watch. I wonder if I could train the dogs to guard them? Suzie and Skippy are good about being out with the chickens, even without me around. Silly Suzie usually joins the chickens in their foraging as she loves the sunflower seed I scatter. Skippy and I watch and shake our heads at her.
Monday, January 06, 2014
Sunday, January 05, 2014
more birds at my feeder
I think that's almost all of the birds I commonly see here at my new house in Lincoln MA. Other common ones that I didn't see this weekend are American robins and white-throated sparrows, though I suppose neither of these are feeder birds. I did see a big red-tailed hawk hunting in the yard - also fortunately not a feeder bird.
My mom saw a pair of bluebirds at her feeder not so far from me this weekend. I am very jealous and am watching for flashes of blue.
fruit tree planning
Along with the peach and the cherry, I think I'll have room for 3-5 apple trees. I don't know whether to plant dwarfs, so I can spray, pick and prune them without a ladder, or semi-dwarfs, which I think are hardier, longer-lived and produce more fruit.
From my quick measuring of the space, it looks like I have room for either 5 dwarf apples or 2 semi-dwarfs and 1 dwarf.
For varieties, I'm thinking a good mix might be: Honeycrisp (high flavor eating and storage apple), Liberty (mild flavor apple for eating fresh) and Grimes Golden (a high flavor all purpose apple fresh eating, good storage and pies). A friend of my mom's has Liberty, Anoka, Macoun and Northern Spy trees and she likes the Liberty best. I grew Fuji a few years back and it was so-so, never seemed to ripen fully. I LOVE Honeycrisp for eating and definitely want to grow this variety. Grime's Golden is supposed to be one of the best pie and sauce varieties.
Friday, January 03, 2014
birds at the feeders after the blizzard
I counted 11 different types of birds: blue jay, Northern cardinal, Carolina wren, black-capped chickadee, chipping sparrow, American goldfinch, house finch (or purple finch?), slate-colored junco (also called dark-eyed junco), white-breasted nuthatch, red bellied woodpecker, and tufted titmouse. Plus a nice little Eastern grey squirrel.
so cold!!!
Thursday, January 02, 2014
sorting seeds
I got out my seed basket, sorted the packets by type, and then selected the ones I want to plant this year. I've accumulated so many seeds that I really don't need to buy any this year. I'll get some new carrot, beet and summer squash seeds. Also some broccoli and zinnias. But mostly I'll try to use up the old seeds and not buy more - easier said than done....
I'm thinking I'll plant a section of garden for the chickens to forage in and direct sow my old greens seeds at 2 week intervals. (I read about doing this in the Territorial catalog last night.) I must have 50 packets of lettuce, escarole, etc seeds.
I checked the seed planting calendar at the link on my sidebar then sorted out the seeds that get planted at the same time. I wrapped these together in a rubberband labeled with the date for planting. Im almost ready to go! In the middle of February, I'll start planting (11 weeks before my last frost) - the onions and celeriac go in first. I have a month to get my seed shelf and lights set up.
sweet potato sprouts
Wednesday, January 01, 2014
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