There seems to be an explosion of wildlife in suburban Boston. Maybe its just that I'm noticing it now and didn't for the past 20 years. But it seems like a new thing.
The other night I was looking out the bedroom door after dark and watched a fox run up the middle of road! Very thick fur, big plump tail, held straight out behind with a white tip.
Then the next night I was watching out the door again and I must have seen 5 rabbits cross the road. (OK maybe the same rabbit was going back and forth.) Later the screech owl was doing a quiet warble from across the road.
Today, Skippy and I went for a car wash. When we finished at dusk, there was a wild turkey in the lot by my car. Its a busy place with noise and bright lights. Skippy rolled his eyes at the bold turkey. I snapped photos then the turkey flew up into a tree to roost.
To top it off, just now I was looking out the window for no more than 2 minutes and 2 'coons ran across the road.
While I've seen rabbits and raccoons and turkeys in town before (not foxes or owls) its amazing to see so many, so easily. I'm glad they're finding habitat here!
what a funny picture. it's like that turkey is just out for a little afternoon stroll
Haha that's hilarious. Turkey's are so curious... what a funny bird.
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