These photos are from Sunday. I was excited to see all the plants starting to grow. My little red tulip is in full bloom. Daffodil buds are coming up. The rhubarb is poking up. Garlic looks nice after the long winter. I couldn't see any pea sprouts, so I dug up a seed. They're coming along. I bet they'll be up in a couple days. No asparagus sprouts yet.
I did a bit of garden work. We brought a few loads of horse manure and spread it on the beds that will grow squashes and corn this year. And I weeded and cleaned up the asparagus bed.
Skippy dug himself a nice hole and napped.
Skippy had the right idea! Love your posts, hope you don't mind dropping in with comments every now and then
Jane - London, England
My peas seemed to take forever with the erradic weather, but I noticed them popping up yesterday! It's always exciting to see the first things start to break through the soil in the spring.
Looking good! I really enjoy reading your posts.
Nelly, Lancashire , UK
Thanks for the comments! Kathy
Thanks for the photos. Sounds like Sunday was a great day in the garden.
Great piccies. Your Plot is looking fantastic. Spring is upon us with buds bursting and bulbs bright and jolly, apart form the dreary rainy weather. I think my peas have probably drowned. Our lovely Cherry Blossom in the street outside our house has bloomed but with the windy rainy weather I think the petals will just fall. Need to do a Sundance!
I am very excited to say that I am a first time home buyer and this is my first gardening season. I am growing tomatoe and cucumbers after my husband builds my raised garden bed. I love reading your blog.
Can't wait for warm weather this weekend - I am bursting to clean and plant and scratch and sniff!
Isn't it amazing that the weeds pup up long before the perennials?
It's taking everything I have not to go out right now with a flashlight to dig up a pea to see if they're sprouting. Tomorrow!
I hope everything survived the horrible rain we have been having!! I have my peas, carrots in a raised bed with glass over the top to act as a "cold frame". Hope the rain didn't really get in there! Can't wait for this weekend. I hope everything dries out by then!
I dug up my peas today too! Won't be long now! How exciting!
Your views gives me hope.
My green thumb is itching to get outside and plant, plant, plant.
Love your blog.
I find keeping a blog keeps me happy and lets me see how I'm progressing.
If you have some time, will you take photos of your asparagus bed? I am planting some this year, as soon as it arrives in the mail, and Im not sure how to incorporate it into my garden...thanks!
Ditto on Christina's comment. I'm contemplating asparagus, but am unsure of how much space to give it, etc. Also, do you let it fern out to feet tall after you're done picking every year? This seems to require much more space!
arent yopu guys flooded over there our gardens are flooded danvers ma will be a while before the ground drys out
My parents garden is flooded too. Flooding here in Belmont wasn;t so bad this storm. I'm sure mine plot is fine since it was fine last time - I'm on relativity high ground. Home garden fine too.
Hope yours dry up soon! My parents are looking forward to putting in some peas as soon as theirs dries.
Christina, I will photo the asparagus bed next time I'm at my plot. Maybe I'll find shoots. I think they should be up soon. (I'm not supposed to pick any this year.)
I can't believe how much your garden looks like mine! Same garlic plot, rhubarb, peas, even the black dog! Quick question: do you rotate tomatoes? I always have, but I put up the stake/trellis that you did last year and now I'm reluctant to remove them. I didn't have blight last year but it was a lousy year for whatever reason. Do you rotate every year? Betsy
How high are your raised beds? I am planning on putting some in on top of an existing garden and I'm struggling with how wide of wood to buy. I plan to double dig under the beds initially.
Beds can be any height you want. I've seen really nice ones 10-15 or more inches tall. Most of mine are short - made with 2x6 lumber.
Here's a link showing past posts of my raised beds.
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