We are underwater here! I bet we've had 10 inches of rain over the past 3 days. The community gardens are submerged in many areas. We haven't had a flood like this in at least 20 years - maybe ever. It would be nice if the storm would move out soon. We have beautiful warm DRY! weather predicted after it leaves and I am looking to getting to work in the garden.
Below are photos from around town. The high school was closed today - the access road was flooded. My teenager got to help pump water from our basement - a non-stop effort as we only have a little wet-vac. Friends tell me stories about not being about to get home because of closed roads. The worst was Beaver Brook, which runs near our community garden plots. Its way out of it banks and more like Beaver River.
Urgh! I hope nobody had planted peas yet! Incredible pictures. I heard Al Roker describe this storm as a hurricane by any other name. Your pictures seem to confirm that assessment!
Yes. Pea seeds would definitely have floated away.
That's crazy!!
The weather has gone insane! Just got our power back.
Wow! Definitely looks like a small river and *not* a brook. Y'all stay safe and dry, and I'm crossing my fingers for you that you'll get to work in the dried-out soil soon.
OMG! We had quite a bit of rain over the weekend but not like this. The wind was crazy too, I barely sleep all weekend because of the noise. Hope your basement is not finish.
We are flooded down here in Exeter as well. They are evacuating one neighborhood by boat! Sand bags at the riverbanks and the skate part is now a water park! But, the rain has stopped and the wind has stopped as well. The noise was really starting to get on my nerves. I hope things get cleaned up and dried out for you real soon.
WOW! Does the garden generally have good drainage? That is amazing.
Wow, that's a lot of water! But it will be a good start for the garden. With all the wind we have around her the soil is completely dried out and I hope for a night of rain now that temperatures above 15°C are predicted for the end of the week.
I've lived here since 1980 and don't remember a storm this wet. But I might have forgotten it. Usually we get 5-6" on a bad storm. Here I think we got just over 9" of rain. I go by my nearest weather station that is on the same ridge we are on. Luckily I'm at the top of a hill so things drain. I did have puddles in the garden yesterday which is really unusual.
my son is at the chenery and was terribly jealous of the high school and wellington kids! :D
I work in an office on Waverly Oaks Rd and literally couldn't get to work yesterday, since every way in was flooded! So instead of working, I spent a lot of time staring out my back window, hoping the water levels wouldn't rise out there too... maybe my peas will make it!
So that is where all the rain went. Here in Western Washington State we have had a pretty dry and warm winter when the norm is exactly what you are experiencing. At least the soil is well watered now.
Don't you just wish you could even it out over the entire year instead of a couple days?
We got so lucky here in Mansfield. A few streets flooded, but nothing like that.
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