Still nothing going on in my plot. But on the next dry day I am planning to plant my peas! This will probably be next Tuesday or Wednesday.
Plan: I will find my dogs a nice spot to rest and then I will lime the pea bed (where squash grew last year). Since my soil was very acidic (5.5) on the last soil test I'll use the maximum rate of 20 lbs per 100 sq ft. I'll work this in with a cultivator. I am not planning to turn or otherwise amend the soil. Peas are my soil builders and will grow fine in depleted soil. I'll plant a short row of each of my varieties leaving room for one or two later plantings. I plan to plant snap peas, snow peas, green shell peas and crimson flowered fava beans.
I know you were going to try to plant with the moon this year. I planted a row of peas last week just to see what would happen (I'm in MA too) and was scolded by the elderly gardner in the family for not planting them with the full moon. Looking online, I see the recommendation is two days before the full moon. I've also heard St. Patrick's Day, which falls around that time of the moon this year. Could make for an early pea harvest. And Kathy, what was the name of the science of using nature's cues to plant? I remember you had some posts about it and was wondering if you've collected enough info. to add it to your "garden topics". I've heard some interesting tidbits such as put down new grass seed before the Forsythia petals fall!
tis the season... enjoy
Planting peas always gives me such joy. I feel like spring is finally beginning. I need to hold off for a couple more weeks in my zone, though.
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Good morning! I thought of you and Skippy this past weekend as Pixie and I were in our garden. It was about 70 degrees and I was checking my peas - not quite enough for dinner, yet, but enough for a little taste - so I picked and shelled a few. Pixie loves her raw, fresh, Spring peas. We'll be "checking" the peas every afternoon from now on until the end of the season! I usually plant two varieties; both are doing well again this year. Good luck with yours!
- Daisy and Pixie in AZ, where today is supposed to be sunny and 77 degrees.
If not tomorrow, I plan to have the peas in the garden by the end of the week. It's been raining here for four days, so things are a bit wet.
What kind of support do you plan on using? I have a hog wire fence on the west side of my garden. I figure I'll put them there and then come May, I'll plant my zucchini and cucumber seeds while the peas are finishing up.
How big do the peas need to be to plant outdoors now? I'm in Zone six, too, but I only got around to planting my peas inside last weekend. Though they've sprouted and seem to be doing well -- about an inch tall! Weeeee! I'm ready for spring.
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