Giant Belgium
Orange Blossom and Big Beef
Cherokee Purple and New Girl
Sungold and Brandywine Suddoth's Strain
Mortgage Lifter and San Marzano
Here's a photo of each of the varieties of tomatoes I have growing now. One plant of each. I have 5 plants left (of 16 planted) at my community plot and 8 (of 8) at home.
You are really good with the tomatoes. Had fried green tomatoes at restaurant yesterday.
You are so lucky that many of your plants survived! I am still in mourning over the blight that hit mine.
How often do you water your tomatoes? I think I'm over watering mine because the fruits are often rotting before they ripen completely.
The rotting tomatoes this year is probably from Late Blight, a fungus that has hit most New England area (all of East coast?) tomatoes by now. (Infected plants were distributed by department stores and, with all the wet weather, it has spread to EVERYONE). No more or less watering will affect this if you have Late Blight and its actually best to remove all the plants and dispose of them in the trash to reduce the spores around next year. Most gardeners leave them in the garden anyway though, as you can probably get a few good tomatoes, especially if the weather stays dry. Sorry. If you leave them in the ground, it seems like it might help to water the soil without getting the plants wet.
Another condition that causes tomatoes to rot is bottom end rot, caused by irregular watering during the time the fruit is small. This is black rot starting at the bottom end of the fruit (as you could have guessed from the name).
I'm really fortunate to have an isolated tomato patch, maybe out of wind path from the Late Blights spores around here. So far so good.
By the way, this week is the first time I have watered all season. I water heavily every two or three days.
They're gorgeous! I planted a few of these varieties this year after finding an excellent greenhouse that carries a million heirloom varieties of veggies.
Thoughts on staking vs not?
How do you get the smaller side-by-side photos? I like that!
Please do a taste test when they ripen for you!
VERY nice!! Mine are still small and green. I've had a few cherry toms off of a volunteer plant thus far. I am SO looking forward to making my salsa!!
Gorgeous tomatoes! I love all the variety.
Are the san marzano tomatoes that you have similar to plum tomatoes? I am asking because when I bought my tomato plants this year, I bought what were labeled as plum tomatoes, but one of the plants is bearing fruits that look a lot like your san marzanos.....could they have been mixed in or are they quite similar?
I didn't realize Mortgage Lifter was such a looker. I have 7 different tomoto types. I don't think you can ever plant enough.
Speaking of blossom end rot, my tomatoes haven't had any this year. Whether that is coincidence or a result of what I did, I don't know.
What I did was that after having read that calcium deficiency is a factor in this, I looked at the tiny teeny cans of evaporated milk I have in my pantry (very easy way to make Campbell's tomato soup without having to keep milk around which may spoil, but really high in calories) and so I dumped a can around each tomato plant early in the season. These really are tiny cans, maybe half a cup.
Hi Kathy, I just wanted to warn you that my garden has been attacked by the SVB, thought it was too late in the season for that.....keep an eye out!
By SVB, do you mean squash vine borer?
That can really be a problem. My parents garden has bad borers this year in their pumpkins. Don't know why I don't get them at my community plot when they are terrible a mile away in my yard. I'll keep an eye out, but I don't think there's anything I can do about them.
Well, they're beautiful in their greeness.
Very nice looking! I am just now sowing some tomatoes for the fall here in zone 9! I hope I can have half the havest that you are going to have!
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