Here's what I planted yesterday. My garden has little patches of free soil here and there. A spot where fava beans were. One where blighted tomatoes were. The empty garlic patch.
I got rained on while planting, so the packs look ragged.
Its late for fall planting. My calendar says I should have planted a few weeks ago. Last year I did my last planting on August 27 and only some of the greens matured by the first frost. The peas and spinach didn't. (I've never gotten fall peas to produce.)
It so hot now to think fall is coming. My count down calendar says 52 days to first frost (around Oct 15). We'll see how these seeds do.
I've got fall peas growing here, too. I almost pulled them last week because they were getting completely shredded by bugs. However, this week, they look much better and have been growing like crazy. This is my first fall planting attempt. I do think I planted the fall broccoli too late. It's hard to plan for fall when it's the dead of summer!
Fall peas really don't work very well here, but I have found that if you plant them around the middle of July they have time to mature. I planted my major group of fall lettuces out at the beginning of August. I was hoping I wasn't too late for spinach and mache, but maybe I am. I was waiting for it to cool down before planting them.
You almost don't even want to think of fall after the summer we have had. I just seeded a bunch of fall crops Aug 15th and started the longer days to harvest stuff in June & July. Lets hope for nice fall weather.
I had a bad bunch of powder mildew on my squash. The squash is now pulled out mostly. I am wanting to plant a fall crop of lettuce there. Do you know if I would have to treat the soil where the mildew was before planting there?
I'm even later than you with my fall plantings.
And with the powdery mildew going around I don't even think I'm going to bother with it.
Good luck with your plantings.
Kathy ... don't forget Mustards, especially the asian varieties and Rapa for the Italian touch. They are quick, very hearty and love to mature in cool weather.
Powdery mildew is favored by warm dry conditions. I think if we wait a day or two the weather will probably change. Its already wetter with the hurricane remnants passing by New England. I've never had powdery mildew on lettuce so I wouldn't worry about it and would go ahead and sow.
Please leave comments if you have other opinions.
I noticed lots of powdery mildew today on lilacs.
I used your fall planting calendar to plan my fall garden...the brassicas are in! Now I can sow the rest through September.
This will be my first real fall/winter garden. I planted winter veg last November. Didn't get much (read, any) until the weather warmed in spring. I live in California zone 7/8. I did have leaf lettuce in the greenhouse (unheated) all winter.
Around here, the tomatoes are just starting to kick in...and out here we can't really blame the blight you got in the NE. Discouraging, but I'm happy when I see the overlap between today's tomatoes, zucchini, cucumbers and tomorrow's broccoli, cabbage, brussels sprouts.
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